Toatlly random Monday musings
- Here we go again. This cartoon totally sums up me right now:

- Who came up with all this Daylight Savings mumbo-jumbo? Obviously not someone with children. While it's great in the fact that we can put them to bed earlier - I'm NOT a fan of having both little boys wide awake before 6:30 am when I've been up all night with Hunter. I hope it won't take too long to get back into a good sleep routine. (And oh how I miss Gabe sleeping in until 9:30!)
- Here's another invention that was not invented by a parent....We bought this potty a few months ago when Gabe was showing alot of potty-training interest - but he kind of got out of the excitement. Well we put batteries in it this weekend and he is in love! That should be a great thing - right? The problem is that it has a little sensor so when you go to the bathroom it cheers you on. Unfortunately it is a very sensitive sensor and it detects the first drip. So it starts cheering him on before he's done with the job. So it takes like 1/2 hour for him to go enough to make the experience worth it. (We spent 15 minutes this afteroon when he was supposed to be napping - and there were like 10 drops - small drops) And the music on it makes me nuts! So now Gabe has yet another reason to get up from his naps, or when we're trying to get him to go to sleep at night, "Mommy - I need to go potty!" I think this potty training thing will be a mixed blessing. Check out the website for a demo - it's pretty entertaining!

- Weight Watchers - I am totally struggling with this right now. It's been a harder year than normal with trying to avoid the Halloween candy, and it's been really discouraging. It seems like all day long I try NOT to give in - which makes me think about food all day long. Then in the end I give in after I have the boys in bed. Darn chocolate! It doesn't help that we were on vacation for almost 2 weeks and during that time I gained back a bunch of what I had worked hard to loose. So any advice for staying on the WW wagon during the holidays? So far I stink at it! (and this time around the weight is taking FOREVER to come off - SOOOOO slow!)
- Hunter is growing so much lately! This morning I put an outfit on him that says it's for 6-9 months! It was an outfit I loved with Gabe - but I had put off putting him in it and by the time I did it was too small. I think it's more like a 3-6 month size - but still! I put all the 3-6 month clothes in his closet this weekend and he has some cute things to be wearing. It has been funny to look through the clothes and remember Gabe wearing some of them - and he was quite a bit older...Hunter is 3 months now, but I have a feeling he's going to beat Gabe in the weight department. He's up to 13.2 lbs and really filling out. He's funny too - I swear he gives kisses - it's so cute (and SOOOO slobbery!) I'm starting to understand his cries better and it's making our relationship go more smoothly. Now if he would just stay asleep longer at night - he seems to be getting up way too much! (Any advice anyone?)

- I just found out that one of my good friends is sending her husband off to Iraq in a few months. WOW! She has 3 little girls, and is already a very busy person. I don't know how I would handle something like that. Actually I do - I think I would probably have a complete and total meltdown and fall completly apart. I admire her so much for her positive attitude and willing to serve our country like this. What an amazing woman. Reminded me that there are families all over the country who have to see their loved ones off to war and I am so grateful for their service and sacrafice. Say a little prayer for those serving our country.
- Right now Gabe is totally obsessed with my camera. I think we might need to get him one of his own. He constantly wants to take pictures of me, or he wants me to take pictures of him and Hunter together - particularly sitting together in various chairs around our house - it's pretty funny. I love the bottom picture. It looks like he's saying, "Now Hunter - I have so many things to teach you - I'll let you in on all the secrets..."

- Ok - this picture is disturbing, I know. One of the latest things Gabe has been telling us is, "Mom - I've got a goober!" He says this most importantly when he's supposed to be going to bed or taking a nap. He yells at his door that he has a goober and needs a Kleenex. We keep telling him that picking his nose is disgusting, and not to do it - but then he looks at us so seriously and says, "But Mom - I've gotta GOOBER!"

- Christmas - yikes! I can't believe how soon it is sneaking up on us. I have gotten a little shopping done - but I'm having a hard time thinking of ideas for Hunter and for both of our parents...I wish I had more time to make gifts -that is what I'd prefer to do. But it's looking like my grand ideas of homemade projects just may have to wait for next year. We'll see. I also remembered today that I needed to work on making some photo ornaments. I started this tradition 2 years ago when Gabe was born, and want to continue it - homemade photo ornaments for all the grandparents and great grandparents. I have an idea for what to do - now I just need to see if I can accomplish it.
- Ok- I really need to get busy with the things I SHOULD be accomplishing, instead of just wasting time. Hope you have a great week and a happy Monday!
Hey Joanna, in my world it was just a really nasty day. Many people were freaked about how much they had to do and just trying to blame everyone else for their own not having it done. I kept telling people to take a deep breath, get some sleep, and try again tomorrow. So that's what I say to you too. ALl my love, Sandra
Ok, so your kids are just the cutest! (even with a finger up the nose) Good luck on the potty training. So far in my parenting experience, it is my least favorite task. So glad that it is all overwith here Ü
Gratitude List
Friends who listen
Friends who tell me like it is
Family and friends who forgive me
Oatmeal cookies
My Silver hair
Pumkins and all foods made with pumpkins
Oh my gosh! That's soooo funny about the Goobers. I love that trainer potty. The pictures of the boys are so cute. lobe Uncle B
Gratitude list
painting class
That wonderful feeling when I first lie down in the bed, with my pillows just so
Our gas insert fireplace
I just relized I forgot to call and wish you guys happy 9th anniversary last week. So happy belated anniversary Cory and Joanna. WE love you and hope you had a great one.
Love the musings. LOVE the first cartoon. I swear, that describes me so well! "This task is too big. I'm going to go put a bunch of cute clothes into shopping carts at,," Hmmm.....
The potty looks interesting- I hate anything with batteries! I'm so NOT a fun Mom.
The weight thing- it definitely takes more effort after the 2nd one!!
Keep going- you're doing great.
Have a fun week!
Hi Joanna!
On Becky Higgins blog today she has photo ornaments... she also has a video that shows a couple of different photo ornaments. They look pretty simple and are cute!
JOANNA!! I'm so excited that you posted on my blog. I doubt if you remember me but I took a bunch of classes from you at Memory Lane years ago when we lived in Provo. You also know my sister Teresa. Anyway, it's so fun that you posted. And even more fun to find your blog and see your CUTE CUTE boys!! Congratulations on Hunter. They are both so darling! I will keep checking in on you!
you can tell Gabers that his Uncle Paul gets goobers too :)
I guess I hadn't seen pictures of Hunter in a while. He's growing up - that's for sure. Can't wait to see him again. (did we tell you that at our house we call him "Hunter...Car seat", when we saw you last, Gabe kept saying that:) )
Love you, Paul
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