- public libraries - in fact, we have 2 public libraries - awesome!
- children's books - or any books for that matter
- Wendy's and McDonald's drive throughs
- the color red
- hot bubble baths
- telephones
- my little boys
- Robert's craft store
- Christmas decorations
- sippy cups
Gabe's (these were only prompted by me explaining being thankful for things, and asking Gabe what he was thankful for - he came up with the list all on his own, and kept adding to it when I told him we were done).
- Gabbi (We were just checking out my friend Jana's blog and so Gabe was returning to his fascination with cutie Gabbi)
- pumpkins
- cats
- gold
- Pete (I have no idea who Pete is - but when I asked Gabe he said that Daisy our dog chases Pete in the backyard...?)
- samiches (sandwhiches)
- drinks
- taking rides with mommy
- lemonade
- cheese
- nanas (bananas)
- Gramma and Grampa
- doggies
- ketchup
- nuggets
- nursery
- Dr. Gatherum
Hunter: (as interpreted by mom)
- milk
- a mom who is willing to get up all night long to feed him
- a cozy car-seat
- a brother that plays with him
- dry diapers
Sandra's gratefuls:
*That it's FRIDAY!
*That my budget draft got done and the mtg was successful
*That I live in such a beautiful place
*The lovely flowers on my desk
*Farmers markets
*The fresh walnuts in my salad
*That Susan doesn't have any more business trips til Dec
*Driving my hybrid car
*Technology that keeps me more in touch with my extended family and the new generation
*Only 14 months til a Democratic administration
Love to you all, Sandra
Tell Gabe that Gabbi is thankful for him too. :)
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