Sunday, November 04, 2007


  1. Stake conference - this was particularly exciting today because we got to hear from President Hinckley as he and Elder Holland spoke to 77 stakes in Eastern and Southern Utah via satelitte - a very good meeting (even if it was spent in the hall with the baby...)
  2. Our prophet - President Gordon B. Hinkley

  3. The gift of prayer
  4. Our Savior and His Atonement

  5. My calling in Young Womens and the women I serve with - some wonderful friends
  6. The temple
  7. The pioneers and the sacrafices they made
  8. The Book of Mormon
  9. The gift of the priesthood
  10. My testimony
  1. planes
  2. Taylor
  3. lotion
  4. Lexie
  5. Logan
  6. Chase
  7. slides
  8. Daddy
  9. swings
  10. Hunter

(And those of you who aren't the list - don't feel bad - he loves you all!)


Anonymous said...

The chance for a new start every day
Beautiful textiles
Gold and red fall leaves
Split pea soup
Dear friends
Learning to believe in myself
The way our bodies heal
Meditation, peace, Spirit

The Rhiens said...

Special friends
the beautiful colors of fall
a (relatively) keen mind
eyes to see beauty
a loving, supportive husband
a sense of humor
The Savior
ears to hear music and other sounds
a wonderful friendship with each
of our "children" and
their spouses as they older
beautiful grandchildren

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Great Grandchildren
Beautiful fall days in utah
Crispy autumn leaves
Fresh air
The first frost
First fall snow

Grandma Marilyn

maggie said...

Joanna! I am so glad you are back to blogging! I was a little worried there for a while! You have such a beautiful little family! (oh and I totally know about the mammogram costume! When I lived in Rexburg, I was a receptionist at Madison Womens Clinic and Dr. Barton was the mammogram man!)