Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gratitude post - Tuesday and Wednesday

I didn't post gratitudes again yesterday - but I was thinking about them :) So here are things I'm grateful for from yesterday and today:
  1. Puffs Plus with Lotion and Vicks - these are awesome!
  2. Different textured foods - crunchy, smooth, crisp, wet, soft, etc.
  3. a clean bathroom
  4. vacuum cleaners
  5. Great Harvest Bread stores (and the bakers who make the bread)
  6. post-it notes
  7. textured cardstock
  8. YW activities that are over-with....(they're a lot of work!)
  9. boppy pillows
  10. body pillows
  11. coloring books
  12. yummy smelling hand-soap (I love this kind)
  13. my suburban
  14. people who live passionately - it's because of these kind of people that we make progress in our world
  15. Living Scriptures videos and dvds
  16. Deseret Book (and any LDS bookstores...actually any bookstores at all - I love bookstores!)
  17. baby lotion - I particularly love this Aveeno lotion!
  18. The creative people who work with Pixar - we love all Disney/Pixar movies at our house!
  19. microwavable meals like Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine
  20. Fruit snacks - Gabe's favorite food - and the one thing I know he'll want to eat every single day.

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