Sunday actually went really well. Hunter was still young enough that I didn't want to take him to church yet to encounter all the people and germs. So he and I stayed home. But the evening went well and everything. I got some organizing done (scheduled our week and stuff), did laundry (which I actually put away!) and even made dinner and cleaned up from it! I was pretty proud of myself for the first day mom was gone.
Yesterday went alright too. I didn't quite accomplish everything on my to-do list, but we didn't have too many temper tantrums (mine or Gabe's), Hunter survived, I got some Blind Guy work done, and more laundry washed, folded and put away! Gabe and I did some coloring, played cars together, played play-doh and overall I think the day wasn't too bad.
Today we're not quite doing as well...Gabe seemed to pick up some of those germs at church on Sunday and over the last couple of hours seems to be coming down with some kind of a bug. He's stuffy, runny, grumpy, whiney (more than ever) and just really struggling. I'm hoping and praying that he'll stay down for his nap because he and I both need the break! Keep the little guy in your prayers - with all the changes in our house with the new baby he doesn't need to be getting sick on top of things. (this is a picture of Gabe with his morning ritual. He likes to come in and get in our bed - he prefers if I stay in with him - and watches a PBS or Disney show. His favorites are Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Playhouse. He likes to have juice and a snack (fruit snacks) and recently has added asking for a glass of milk too. He brings toys, kicks back on the pillows and veg's out. I love hearing him sing along with the characters, and it's fun to see him start to catch on to the alphabet and numbers from Sesame Street).
But as for today - I do have plans for dinner tonight, have a very organized grocery shopping list for when that finally happens (hopefully tonight when Cory gets home to watch one or both of the boys) and I am hoping to cross a few other things off my to-do list if these boys nap at the same time. Oh - I guess I should try to eat something for lunch too....since it is 2:30 already...
I also thought I'd throw a few pictures up here though. I know it's hard for family to not be here with us with new baby Hunter, so I want to be as good as I can about posting pictures when I can.
These couple of pictures are of Hunter at bathtime the other night. He's started to actually enjoy bathtime (it took a few times). He likes the warm water but gets fussy if it starts to cool off, and fusses right when I get him out and he's not totally wrapped up in a towel. It's been fun to watch him warm up to the water. I hope he'll enjoy bathtime like Gabe always has. It can be a really fun part of the nightly routine.
hang in there! I'm sure you're doing a lot better than you give yourself credit for!! just remember that that your to-do list doesnt have to be completely crossed off as long as you and the boys get fed and they know they're loved!!! :)
Thanks for posting pics of your kids. I am really having a rough week with my wife gone and lots to do at work. I felt a good uplift when I saw these pictures of your wonderful boys. I'm really happy for you, and hope that having two children gets more handleable over time. I'm sure you're doing a great job as a mom of two.
Sounds like you're doing a job that is coming naturally. Thank you for posting the pics and it brings the memories when Gabe st ays with us wanting to watch PBS. He gets into those little shows and I believe he is actually a part of the show! Can't wait to see little Hunter. Love t he pics, but there is just something about holding and seeing them for real. Love ya!
Wow! Great new design for your blog header! You can tell this is the blog of a professional scrapbooker!
Thanks for being so great with posting photos.
And while it seems overwhelming, I am sure you will do well and that your children will grow up loved and solid.
Love to you, Sandra
Old Grandma looks pretty good too!! love Great Grandpa and Dad to the old grandma. Heh Heh
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