...our life was changed forever.
We welcomed Gabe to our family on August 7th, 2005. In some ways it seems that he's always been here, always been a part of our lives - a lot of times I have a hard time remembering a time without him and without being a mom. I guess in a lot of ways my life up to that point was just preparation. I've become what I wanted to be when I became a mom, and in a way that is really when my life started.
There are moments like today when I sit back and think - NO WAY! I can't believe that it has been two whole years - time is racing by too quickly. And I know that with the addition of Hunter to our family that time will only speed up faster. That makes me so sad. Today I was thinking that in the future we'll be facing things like boy scouts, first dates, his mission, girlfriends, and someday a wife. Someday I'll be spending time with Gabe when he and his wife welcome their new babies into their home and I'll get to watch him be a daddy. I know these things are in the distant future, but scary enough the distant future has a way of becoming the past faster than we realize.
But for right now I'm going to try to enjoy these moments, capture these feelings and live in the here and now. I can't believe that my little boy talks now (and oh boy does he talk!), that he is so independent at times, that he has opinions and desires. I love that he has favorites, dislikes and that he is so sweet at times. I love how he loves his new baby brother. I love the sweet voice he uses when he says, "Morning mama", "Morning Hunter". Or when he says, "S'rong Hunter?" (what's wrong Hunter - when Hunter is crying). I love how excited he's been today to have cake for his birthday and how simple things make him happy - like his favorite pair of shoes (his Crocs). I love when he tells us stories about things that go on in his days. He gets so excited and it's amazing what things he remembers, and the vocabulary he uses to tell us about it. He's a crack up!
So tonight we'll celebrate my baby's 2nd birthday. We're having a Cars cake, and we've decorated the house with black and red streamers and red balloons (Cory's even hung balloons from the ceiling fan and they're spinning around - it's quite festive!) Cory even went all out and got some Cars party favors, Cars dishes to eat on - the works. What a fun daddy!
He also went out on a birthday date with Gramma this afternoon. She took him to Wendy's for lunch (where he ate all of his nuggets - a pretty big accomplishment!), and then they went to Deseret Book where he got to pick out a fun new book. Gramma was very proud of him - he was on his best behavior.
We've been asking him for a few weeks what he wants for his birthday and all he answers is, "Cake" but that's expanded to "cake with candles" - like he had at Aunt Ashley's house. We asked what he wanted for a special birthday dinner and he thought about it for a minute and then whispered in the sweetest voice, "cake!"
What a little man! he is sooo cute. I know he must be such a joy. wish we were closer. happy Birthday Gabe! Love the Carper's, Uncle Brian
Happy birthday little man. Come and see us soon and we will give you and Hunter a big hug.
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Whisler
Our little boys don't stay little boys very long! Gabe has grown up so fast, too. He will always look back and see what wonderful parents he has and cherish those memories. I love seeing Cory with Gabe and think what a wonderful, fun daddy he has!
what a joy Gabe is to all of us. I click on all my grandchidren and great grand children several times a day and it lifts my spirits and fills my heart with peace and joy.
oops! Love grandma Marilyn
Happy Birthday, Gabe! We hope your birthday was great and that you keep having fun with your new baby brother!
Happy Birthday little man. You're right Joanna- it all flies by way too quickly. And I totally agree- it's hard to remember a time without your kid(s). You'll be amazed how quickly you feel that with Hunter too...
Hope all is well there! Keep posting the pictures!
-Happy b-day Gabe-
He is such a fun little kid. We look forward to meeting Hunter next time we see you guys.
We miss you all-
It does fly by fast. Before you know it your oldest child will be turning eight and getting baptized. Crazy to think huh. Cory you really are a great dad, and Joanna your a great mom. Hunter and Gabe are lucky Kids.
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