Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The date and time are set

It's official! I'm going into the hospital tonight (middle of the night...1:00 am) to start the induction process. At my doctor visit earlier today he just said that I'm not progressing at all - not dilated or anything. He said that since at this point I'd already had Gabe - he was fine with inducing me. He even said if it was HIS wife - he'd do the induction. So I take that advice and we're going for it.

I'm pretty nervous about the process - but I guess part of it is just nerves about this big new change in our life. I'm thrilled, excited - but nervous.

We'll update when we get a chance with some pictures and info.


Chase said...

Yeah Joanna! You'll do great! Get some rest today. I remember when you had Gabe you said you felt like a champ and everyone was cheering you on. I hope everything goes smoothly and as perfect as possible. We'll be thinking of and praying for you and your beautiful little family! I can't wait to meet Hunter!
Much Love
Kori and Chase

Melissa said...

Being induced is the BEST! I was with both of mine, and now I don't ever want to go into labor on my own. No water breaking, no "will I make it to the hospital" worries - and the contractions aren't that bad either!

Good luck, can't wait to see pics!

jed-laura said...

We'll keep you in our prayers, and hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. The middle of the night induction is something I've never heard of. We love you very much and are excited for Hunter to come!


Holly Child said...

Oh my goodness....GOOD LUCK!!! Inductions aren't so bad...had one with my last one and all was said and done before lunch time! lol!! August 2nd is a GREAT day for a birthday! I'll be thinkin' of you!!

Rachel Clare said...

Yes! Send info and pictures when you can! Best of luck!
Love, Rachel

Rachel Berry said...

Oh I am so excited for you!! I'm with jed, I have never heard of going in to be induced in the middle of the night, usually it's first thing in the morning.
I was induced with all 4 of my kids so induction is all I know. Good luck, I can't wait to see Hunter's pictures!! Enjoy your last day being a family of 3. You'll do great! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh JOanna, You are in our hearts and our prayers. I know lots of women who have been induced. Esp. for a second child, it shouldn't be too bad. ANyway, you are in the hands of the divine, you and Hunter. Much love, Sandra

Liz said...

Yippee! I am so excited to see photos and hear how everything went! Good luck!!

Ashley Mullen said...

Yeah. Good Luck Joanna. We can't wait to meet little Hunter. Give Gabe loves for us.

Anonymous said...

thinking of you guys!!