Friday, January 18, 2008

One of my greatest mothering accomplishments to date

These pictures are to document one of my greatest mothering accomplishments to this point. Today we went and ran errands that have been piling up all week long. Gabe fell asleep about a block from our house. Normally this would mean no nap for the day because once we'd get home he'd wake up as the car came to a stop. And if not then, he certainly would wake when I tried to get his seatbelt off. And if by some miraculous turn of events he was still asleep after I took his seat belt off - he surely would wake up as I took him into the house.

But NO! Not today! Today I went through all the motions, and got into the house with him STILL asleep! Not only that, but he slept for over 1/2 hour after being laid on the couch. YIPEE! However, waking up in a different place than he fell asleep totally threw the poor guy off, and he woke up like a beast...


Brian & Charlotte Carper said...

Hopefully with your new Sunday schedule - Gabe will learn to sleep thru Sacrament and wake up cheer ful for nursery and Hunter will learn to sleep thru Sunday School and Young Womens. That will be my wish for you.

My ex-husband and his 2nd wife and all their friends used to critize me for driving around with Blake asleep in the back and I just said - hey, guys, wait until you have kids that won't sleep except when they are on the go and you will totally understand.

Holly Child said...

My little Olivia always wakes up a beast after falling asleep on the couch!! It's a curse and a blessing that couch sleeping! :o)