Friday, January 18, 2008

He's feeling better!

YAY! Hunter is feeling somewhat better. He is still off of his schedule, and has decided he likes to be held STANDING UP ONLY, but other than that, he seems to be on the mend. He even managed a shopping trip to Walmart (among other errands) without even crying once. Way to go buddy!

On another note about Hunter, he is just NOT into sitting up. At this age Gabe was almost sitting up, at least for a few moments at a time. Hunter - no way! He arches his back, throws himself to the floor, and is in a heap within seconds. Any tips from you out there to help strengthen those muscles?

And the outfit Hunter is wearing? Yeah - Gabe wore it about 4 months from now...Hunter is weighing in at 15 1/2 lbs, which I'm pretty sure is a lot bigger than Gabe at this point (I need to go find his weights somewhere....) At this rate Hunter is going to be the 'wrong' size for all of Gabe's clothes - since he will soon be wearing summer stuff, and it's been roughly 10 degrees here this week!

I love these pictures of Hunter too - especially the 2nd one - he looks like, "WHAT!?!?!" What a cutie and sweetheart!


Katie said...

Good job Hunter! I can hardly get through a shopping trip to Walmart without wanting to cry, myself! Really, I'm glad he is feeling better. The pictures are darling, and the ones of Gabe are cute too. He looks like he is OUT!

Rachel Clare said...

My tip for sitting them up: (From my Mother, by the way)- put him in a box! A small-ish produce box, if you can find one. I put Rowan in an apple box and she sat through 3 hours of church (for about 2 months!) in her apple box, happy as a clam, playing with her toys. It keeps them upright, it's free, and you can line it with a blanket. Then, throw in some toys and you've got a mini-playpen! Rowan's came up to about her shoulders, so it supported her on 3 sides, but her head was still above the sides so she could see everything. I swear, it works. I just gave my box away last weekend at a baby shower!!

Brian & Charlotte Carper said...

I wonder if there is a connection between Hunter's preferences to:
1. not want to lie on his stomach,
2. that fact that he wants to be held vertically, instead of folded on your lap,
3. that he doesn't want to learn to sit

I love Rachel's apple box idea. I might recommed that to some moms at church.

If the box doesn't work, I would see if you can get your doctor to connect the three dots and see if Hunter has a hernia or something that is bothering his belly.

Hope it is just a quirk and not anything funky. Love you, Aunt Charlotte

Alene said...

What darling pictures. You and Cory are so blessed with beautiful children. Love all of you. Grandma Harding

The Frosts said...

He is such a cutie. My daughter had no interest in sitting up and apparently that is a developmental red flag. My doctor instructed me to have her sit in a boppy and learn how to balance herself with her arms. When we got dilligent about it, it only took her a couple weeks to sit alone. I think she was quite a bit older - around 9 months but she did everything really late. Good luck!! Glad he's feeling better.