Well yesterday by the time we got to the trail (it's a nice paved trail) the weather was looking pretty iffy. So we decided to drive a ways further to Ruby's Inn, have a snack and wait out the rain. On the way back to the trail it wasn't looking too promising, but we decided that if I dropped them all off at the top of the trail, and they went down-hill most of the way - that even if it rained they wouldn't be exposed for too long. I was a bit sad that I didn't get to enjoy the fresh air with them, but it was better than us all getting stuck in the rain - which is what would have happened if we tried going round-trip. The boys had fun, I had a few minutes to enjoy the scenery, and Cory had a good time too.
I highly reccomend stopping at the Red Canyon area if you're on your way to Bryce Canyon - I think it's such a pretty place. It looks a lot like Bryce - but just a short little stretch of the red rocks. There are even a couple of little tunnels to drive through (ok - more like arches). We'll hopefully make it back again sometime this summer.

Looks like fun. The weather has been crazy lately.The rain has been great, but it makes it hard for recreation.
Looks like you guys had fun.
You guys always do the most fun things! Now I want to get a bike and little cart for Asher and go ride it too!
sounds fun! We will have to check it out--maybe I should get a bike first though???
We ate at Ruby's Inn the year we went thru there. Can't believe it was 17 years ago - time flies, I guess.
I think Memorial Day was too early this year. The weather can never decide what to do this time of year, no matter where you live.
Just got to sit down and read the blogs. How much fun the boys have together and the memories of Father/Son camp outs! Dad always enjoyed them with the boys! Love ya!
Love it!
We use to bike with Hannah in the trailor but lately she wants nothing to do with it. Maybe when baby #2 comes around she'll be more interested.
Amazing how heavy kids are to pull in that thing.
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