...are making me a bit nuts.
"Mom, I need _______"Insert any
possible word: help getting my bum on the swing, a push on the swing, make me go HIGHER!, a popscicle, a drink, FOOD! you to get Hunter out of my way, a bandaid, some clean/dry clothes, to go to the bathroom, sunscreen, the sprinkler turned on, another drink, another popscicle, another bandaid - oops, needed to go to bathroom again....now I need more dry clothes. The list goes on and on and on. There was SO much noise!
I was trying to push the boys and their friend Noah on the swings. They couldn't quite grasp the fact that I only have 2 hands, and there were 3 swings that constantly needed to be pushed (please, oh please someone have some advice for how to teach my kids to pump their swings themselves - I'm getting tired of doing it!). But it wasn't getting through to them that I was doing my best....all they seemed to see was that I wasn't pushing their swing higher at that exact second....
But luckily there was another voice yelling out to me. (it was sad - for my waist-line). The other voice was a very strong and persuasive voice that only I can hear. It says seductively, "You NEED to eat some brownies....warm, gooey brownies with a cold glass of milk. If you would just give in and indulge it would make all of the other voices bearable for a few minutes...."
Know what? That seductive voice won, and it was right!
(Yummy brownie pictures are all courtesy of