Just a reminder that LDS General Conference is coming up in a few weeks. And while I know it's a ways away - it's never too early to start preparing when you have little kids - they need it drilled in for weeks ahead of time :)
Here is a link to a new General Conference Packet that someone has put together. Here's also a great link for other General Conference ideas. Here are some of my favorites:
- Apostle Cards
- Conference Coloring Book
- MORE great coloring pages
- Ideas to help prepare children for General Conference
I'd love to hear about your family's traditions and things you do to prepare for General Conference - both personally, and as a family. And any great ideas for families with little kids would be great too! THANKS!
*A lot of these ideas came from a GREAT website called www.sugardoodle.net - they have the BEST church ideas for all of the auxillaries! I LOVE it!
those are great ideas!!! thanks! The few that we have is that we ALWAYS serve homemade cinnamon rolls on Sunday conference morning. Also I print out all the authorities for each of the kids and they find him/her and put a sticker on them. Also, we started having a list/pictures of different things and when they hear that thing they get a skittle or M&M. They love it!
thanks for the link! now that I'm in YW's I'm ALwAYS looking for good ideas!
We are so excited as this is the first time since I left Salt Lake that we can actually see conference on our home TV. We upgraded our satelite at Christmas so that we could watch conference instead of just listening to it on BYU radio. So I am going to get some of these cool aids printed out so we can have fun listening to Conference.
Our tradition up to now has been to turn it on and then see who falls asleep the quickest. Not really that fantastic of a tradition. hehehehe
I forgot our real tradition. Here in Alaska, Conference starts at 8 am, and most of our ward has to go to the chapel to watch it. Then we have the 2 hour wait in between sessions and it is too far to go home so after at least one of the morning sessions a year, sometimes 2, we have a giant ward breakfast. Brother Pendleton makes these to die for buttermilk pancakes, and if we have chickens, we bring dozens of farm fresh eggs and I can't remember what else they serve, but it is yummy.
Then after priesthood session, the brothers always have an ice cream social.
Funny, but both of these traditions were started by the Carper family. hmmmm
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