Friday, March 13, 2009


I need to write these down more often. Gabe says some of the funniest things. I always think I'll remembe them - but I never do. So here are a couple from this week:
  • Gabe was saying his bedtime prayers and he said, "Please bless Mom's hair to have the help that it needs, and....please bless Mom's earrings." I was a bit confused so afterwards I asked him why he'd asked for help for those things. He said, "Well Mom - the other day you said that your hair needed help, and those earrings you're wearing....well they're just ugly."
  • Gabe ended up sleeping in my bed the other night (Cory was out of town and Gabe couldn't sleep). I discovered that he talks in his sleep - a lot. At one point I woke up to him saying, "You're a dufus!" I didn't know if he was asleep so I said, "What?" He said, "You heard me - you're a dufus." He was totally asleep when he said it.
  • After bedtime prayers the other night Gabe said "Mom SHHHHH - I can't hear the answer." I asked what he meant and he said, "You told me that Heavenly Father will answer my prayers - but I can't hear him talking." I love moments like that when we can teach our children - so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Oh mercy, Joanna! I dont know how you keep your composure when he's that stinkin' funny/cute!

Ellis said...

Love it! You guys do such a good job with your boys. I love that Gabe has such great faith and reliance on Heavenly Father. It totally reflects on you and the things you teach him. Love you guys!

Ashley Mullen said...

That is WAAAAy too cute. Linzy talks in her sleep big time too. IT is so funny sometimes.

maggie said...

So Priceless! I can't wait for all the funny things Eli will say!

Kelly said...

I LOVE Gabe!! Seriously he is hilarious!!

Stacy said...

How cute are those???

Stefanie said...

too funny about the hair and'll have to teach him when he's 16 that his dates won't appreciate those comments...but they really are funny!

Hey--can you email me about getting Merilee posting rights on here? thx I can't find your email address anywhere

Anonymous said...

Love that your son prayed for your hair and your ears. That is hillarious!