(If it bugs you to listen to someone feel sorry for herself, or complain about stupid things - don't read any further. If you have nothing better to do than be bored by my complaints - sit on down and enjoy)I'm pooped. I don't know what it is - but this week has worn me out more than most. Actually I do know what has worn me out more than most days.... (several things).
Hunter has been a bear. I'm not 100% sure - but I think he's teething. He is SO crabby. He isn't sleeping - he didn't go down until 11:30 last night, has only had 2 little cat naps in the last 2 days, he wants to be held ALL OF THE TIME, and he's having issues with pulling himself up. He will pull himself up on just about everything, but then he panics. He doesn't know quite how to cruise around yet, and he plants his legs, locks his knees and panics. He screams and screams and screams until I'll come get him. That includes in his bed - he'll cry until I come get him instead of crying himself to sleep like he would normally do when he's so exhausted. Poor little guy also has diaper rash pretty bad. I was reading around and found that it's common for kids who are teething to also have diaper-rash - so I'm thinking that might be the case here.
But with no naps, not sleeping at night, and getting up early in the mornings - I'm getting NOTHING done. He gets into EVERYTHING, and cries whenever I put him down for 2 seconds.
Gabe is still at it...he is such a 'strong willed' little boy. In some ways I'm grateful that he is so 'strong' - but in some ways I just wish he could chill out a bit. I know in these days of the world my kids are going to need to be strong. I just need to be able to harness that strength that he has, and help him to become strong in good ways, and not just demanding. He screeches and throws fits at the smallest things. Today he was a mess because we were at Home Depot and I wouldn't buy him a treat. (he hadn't eaten lunch yet, or much for breakfast). We do indulge him too much and too often - so I think I've created that monster.....(and I'm not proud of it - just too tired to fix it).
He is also 'limping' all over the place. He saw my friend's daughter limping the other day after she hurt her foot. Ever since that he has started dragging around his right foot like he's totally injured. I've asked him what's wrong and he said, "Sadie and Daisy (our dogs) bit my foot". That totally didn't happen, and it's causing major drama at our house. Cory keeps yelling at Gabe to walk normal, and they have had quite the fights about it.
Speaking of Cory and Gabe....when Cory and Gabe get into it together it's just fabulous....Cory over-reacts to the smallest of Gabe's issues. I've been trying to 'choose my battles' with Gabe - and Cory said, "I am choosing my battles - I choose to fight
all of them." That pretty much describes it. It makes things really tough for discipline because when Cory is around more on the weekends it's like there is a different set of rules, and different (not-consistent) rules in place. It's hard to have our routine of how we do things interrupted. I love having Cory around on the weekends - but I just wish we had more consistency. (I've said before that contingency isn't Cory's strong suit...the only thing I've seen him be consistent about is being IN-consistent!)
And lastly - the biggest frustration right now that's really wearing me out.
Yesterday Cory came home with 2 trailers full of "stuff". He had a friend who was getting a divorce and going through bankruptcy. Cory bought "some" stuff from him that he was trying to sell. Just a few of the things: 2 sectional couches, a leather recliner, a kitchen table and 6 chairs, California king sized intelligel bed, 42 inch HD tv, storage shelving, and relatively new (like a year and 1/2 old) stainless steel appliances - a refrigerator, dish-washer, convection oven, built-in microwave. He got all of that for the low, low price of just $2500.00. He already sold one of the sectionals, and our old refrigerator, one of our friends is taking the king-sized bed (or our king sized bed - which ever one we decide not to keep), and we have some other friends who are building a house and might buy our other old appliances. In the long run I think we'll have everything paid for - and we'll have (almost) new stainless appliances.
Anyway - in theory, this was a great deal - right? But our house has been torn apart all weekend, and Cory's made 4 different trips to Home Depot for parts to get everything set up. Also, the appliances were less than clean, and it's been tough to get it them cleaned up, stuff burned onto the broiler pans, I haven't even attempted to clean the inside of the oven, and greasy stuff all over everything. Not to mention cleaning out our old fridge, and trying to get things taken care of with that.
This weekend all I needed was a bubble bath, a nap, and a date with Cory. Instead I've been cleaning up greasy crap from someone else's kitchen, been arguing with Cory about his 'timing' (do other men have issues with timing projects like this? Or is it just my sweet hubby?), fighting the kids around the mess, and trying to keep Hunter from getting into the tools, saw-dust messes, and electric wires (while he's not napping and fussing).
So there you have it - me feeling sorry for myself over something stupid. I just need a break, a nap, and a vacation...at the very least I'd like to be in bed before midnight...