Monday, June 30, 2008

Scrapbook stuff

The Nursery Collection

Saturday, June 28, 2008

worn out

(If it bugs you to listen to someone feel sorry for herself, or complain about stupid things - don't read any further. If you have nothing better to do than be bored by my complaints - sit on down and enjoy)

I'm pooped. I don't know what it is - but this week has worn me out more than most. Actually I do know what has worn me out more than most days.... (several things).

Hunter has been a bear. I'm not 100% sure - but I think he's teething. He is SO crabby. He isn't sleeping - he didn't go down until 11:30 last night, has only had 2 little cat naps in the last 2 days, he wants to be held ALL OF THE TIME, and he's having issues with pulling himself up. He will pull himself up on just about everything, but then he panics. He doesn't know quite how to cruise around yet, and he plants his legs, locks his knees and panics. He screams and screams and screams until I'll come get him. That includes in his bed - he'll cry until I come get him instead of crying himself to sleep like he would normally do when he's so exhausted. Poor little guy also has diaper rash pretty bad. I was reading around and found that it's common for kids who are teething to also have diaper-rash - so I'm thinking that might be the case here.

But with no naps, not sleeping at night, and getting up early in the mornings - I'm getting NOTHING done. He gets into EVERYTHING, and cries whenever I put him down for 2 seconds.

Gabe is still at it...he is such a 'strong willed' little boy. In some ways I'm grateful that he is so 'strong' - but in some ways I just wish he could chill out a bit. I know in these days of the world my kids are going to need to be strong. I just need to be able to harness that strength that he has, and help him to become strong in good ways, and not just demanding. He screeches and throws fits at the smallest things. Today he was a mess because we were at Home Depot and I wouldn't buy him a treat. (he hadn't eaten lunch yet, or much for breakfast). We do indulge him too much and too often - so I think I've created that monster.....(and I'm not proud of it - just too tired to fix it).

He is also 'limping' all over the place. He saw my friend's daughter limping the other day after she hurt her foot. Ever since that he has started dragging around his right foot like he's totally injured. I've asked him what's wrong and he said, "Sadie and Daisy (our dogs) bit my foot". That totally didn't happen, and it's causing major drama at our house. Cory keeps yelling at Gabe to walk normal, and they have had quite the fights about it.

Speaking of Cory and Gabe....when Cory and Gabe get into it together it's just fabulous....Cory over-reacts to the smallest of Gabe's issues. I've been trying to 'choose my battles' with Gabe - and Cory said, "I am choosing my battles - I choose to fight all of them." That pretty much describes it. It makes things really tough for discipline because when Cory is around more on the weekends it's like there is a different set of rules, and different (not-consistent) rules in place. It's hard to have our routine of how we do things interrupted. I love having Cory around on the weekends - but I just wish we had more consistency. (I've said before that contingency isn't Cory's strong suit...the only thing I've seen him be consistent about is being IN-consistent!)

And lastly - the biggest frustration right now that's really wearing me out.

Yesterday Cory came home with 2 trailers full of "stuff". He had a friend who was getting a divorce and going through bankruptcy. Cory bought "some" stuff from him that he was trying to sell. Just a few of the things: 2 sectional couches, a leather recliner, a kitchen table and 6 chairs, California king sized intelligel bed, 42 inch HD tv, storage shelving, and relatively new (like a year and 1/2 old) stainless steel appliances - a refrigerator, dish-washer, convection oven, built-in microwave. He got all of that for the low, low price of just $2500.00. He already sold one of the sectionals, and our old refrigerator, one of our friends is taking the king-sized bed (or our king sized bed - which ever one we decide not to keep), and we have some other friends who are building a house and might buy our other old appliances. In the long run I think we'll have everything paid for - and we'll have (almost) new stainless appliances.

Anyway - in theory, this was a great deal - right? But our house has been torn apart all weekend, and Cory's made 4 different trips to Home Depot for parts to get everything set up. Also, the appliances were less than clean, and it's been tough to get it them cleaned up, stuff burned onto the broiler pans, I haven't even attempted to clean the inside of the oven, and greasy stuff all over everything. Not to mention cleaning out our old fridge, and trying to get things taken care of with that.

This weekend all I needed was a bubble bath, a nap, and a date with Cory. Instead I've been cleaning up greasy crap from someone else's kitchen, been arguing with Cory about his 'timing' (do other men have issues with timing projects like this? Or is it just my sweet hubby?), fighting the kids around the mess, and trying to keep Hunter from getting into the tools, saw-dust messes, and electric wires (while he's not napping and fussing).

So there you have it - me feeling sorry for myself over something stupid. I just need a break, a nap, and a the very least I'd like to be in bed before midnight...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I wish I were....

(image courtesy of of those people who could handle having a house full of people and children. I don't know if I have a slight case of OCD, if I'm socially challenged, or what my problem is - but after a day with a full house I just want to run and hide (while I hire someone to scrub my house from top to bottom).

Today I was watching some of my friend's kids while she was packing to move. I wish I could do more - she really could use help. Her husband is in Iraq, she has her sister and her nephew living with them - and I'm sure that she could use more than the small amount of time I helped. We had 5 kids 3 and under, a 5 year old, and a 9 year old. By the time my 4 hours were up I was practicing some deep breathing and praying that I didn't come across as frazzled as I was.

Gabe was a lot of the trouble. He was demanding and bossy. Oh - and Gabe peed on me when he tried going to the bathroom. A shoe full of pee - and it wasn't even my own....

Another problem was that the 1 year old was supposed to take a nap, and didn't. The poor sweetie was exhausted, but would not nap.

The 18 month old smelled like he had bathed (days ago) in teriyaki sauce....I'm not quite sure about that one - but it was easily remedied by changing him into his swimming suit and sending him out to the sprinklers. I think the yogurt that he sprayed all over the dogs helped too. The dogs do now smell surprisingly like banana split gogurt...

The 5 year old had fallen on some rocks on her way to our house and was limping around - and wanting to be carried some of the time. Gabe caught on to this, and hasn't stopped limping, or kind of dragging his leg behind him.

The one really wanted to play in the sprinklers - but I tried....Gabe did too. He was so looking forward to a little pool and sprinkler party. We bought a new tiny frog pool this week - with a sprinkler attached, and an Elmo sprinkler. Gabe was crushed that no one wanted to play in it with him.

Anyway - where my problem was was trying to keep all the little kids in check - making sure I knew where they all were, and what they were getting into. I had one of my favorite Young Women come over to help me - and she was such a help.

But how do you moms all do it? Especially those of you who have more than 2 kids (this is a realm that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to attempt. More than 2 kids will probably put me officially in the looney bin - where now I only have a weekend visitor pass.) How do you juggle all the kids, keep your house somewhat organized, feed everyone (including yourself - I think Moms are supposed to eat too aren't we?), and not want to scream when it's all done. I know I'm a perfectionist when it comes to keeping things cleaned up, but that's just how I am. I've tried it other ways - and it doesn't work. I've tried not caring - but the trouble with that is - I do care - too much.

I have this awesome sister-in-law who can have 327 kids in her house, running around, yelling, playing, and having a ball. Ashley will still be able to hold an adult conversation, feed everyone something yummy to eat, and not even appear out of breath at the end. I wish I was a bit like that.

Anyway, enough complaining from me. All of you who have kids, who entertain groups of kids, those of you who do things like co-op preschool or Joy School - share your tricks with this inept mother.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


When we went to Anaheim in March my sister Julia and I got to go to see "Wicked" in Hollywood. I had never been to a musical like that and I LOVED it! The music, the dancing, the sets, having fun with my awesome little sis - it was great! Now I keep getting emails from the theatre where the play was - telling me their upcoming shows and tickets for sale and it makes me want to go see another show. How about it Jules?

Oops....Most of the stuff on this layout is using the kit - School Days @

And the template is from Ziggle Designs @ Scrap Orchard.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008



trampoline pictures

Blogger has eaten my last couple attempts at posting pictures. So I'm going to try posting just a couple at a time...we'll see if that works out better....

So here are a couple of pictures of the boys on our new trampoline. We got it last week (kind of for Father's Day) and Gabe is slowly warming up to it. He still would rather jump on it by himself, and only likes to sit on it with me on it.

I included a picture of Hunter that is in a blur. That is because that kid is FAST, and all I can get is a blurry picture. Sometimes though - those capture the moment and tell the story better than a crisp, clear photo I think. More accurate of our life - always in a blur.

And we've had our first trampoline related injury. Last night when we were finishing dinner I looked outside and saw that Cory had moved the trampoline (temporarily - because he'd been mowing the lawn the day before). It had been moved right over our fire pit - which also has large logs for seats placed around the fire pit. I said, "Cory- the tramp needs to be moved before anyone jumps on it - or they'll get hurt." Gabe got on, Cory told me I was worrying too much, and moments later went out to join Gabe. Well, Cory wasn't paying attention, and apparently had quickly forgotten our 'discussion' - and he started jumping. He jumped up and fell down hard on his back/behind - right onto one of these logs that were sticking up for the seats of the fire-pit. There was a thud, he screamed out in agony and laid there in pain.

There was a part of me that thought, "Serves you right - you should have listened to me!" - but he was in enough pain that I do feel a bit bad for him. He thinks today (and it's more painful today than yesterday) that he might have bruised the bone. I'm trying to get him to go to a chiropractor, but he says he's too busy - we'll see if he can get out of bed tomorrow (it looked unlikely tonight as he hobbled around so uncomfortable).

Monday, June 23, 2008

pictures to go with the last post...

Gabe funnies

(I've been trying to post pictures with this post - but everything I do hasn't been I'll keep at it tomorrow. Right now I'm falling asleep at my keyboard...)

Ugh - I wish I could remember all of the hilarious things that Gabe says every day. He might exhaust me with his insessant talking, question asking, and frequent whining/fit throwing, but for the most part his hiliarious view on life keep things in balance. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get a chuckle out of the kiddo. Anyway, all together too often I find myself drifting into that place where you're 1/2 asleep and 1/2 awake at night and remembering that I hadn't written down some funny thing that happened. I always try, in that weird sleep/awake place, to make myself remember - so I can write it down the next day - but it doesn't happen, and I usually forget. So in an effort to remember something - here are a couple.

  • Gabe was going to be boing to stay with Cory's mom overnight (which didn't end up working out - much to Gabe's dismay). I asked him which grandma he was going to visit. He thought about it for a minute and said, "I can't remember her name. I know it's not the hexagon grandma....but I can't remember her name." My mom has a hexagon shape in the wood carvings on her front door - and it took me a minute to even figure out what he was referring to. (it was even funnier a few months ago when we were visiting and Gabe started talking about the 'hexagon' on the door. I didn't even remember what a hexago looked like, and I'm not quite sure where he learned it!) Funny kid.
  • Tonight I got on the trampoline with Gabe and Hunter. The boys were wrestling and playing around when Gabe yelled, "Oh buddy - you stink! P-U! Hunter - you are poopy and you stink - one hundred miles an hour!"
  • Tonight after dinner Gabe's face was filthy - covered in food, a raspberry juice milkstache. I said, "Kiddo - you are messy! What is all over your face?" He looked surprised and said, "Nothing!" I laughed and said I didn't think so. He replied with his sweet and silly voice, "Uh - water?"
  • Whenever we ask Gabe if he needs to go to the bathroom he says, "I'm is dry". (He is getting better about staying dry most of the time though)
  • Lately when Gabe wants something - from a treat to us reading him a story he will say, "I'll go pee for____(fill in with cookie, story, to go to the store, etc)". I guess we've done a good job at teaching him to pee for rewards....a little too good I think.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

digital scrapbooking websites

I have had a lot of people email me about digital scrapbooking, or ask me questions about how to start. I am in NO way an expert. I am pretty novice when it comes to artistic stuff for digital scrapbooking - but I can try to point you in the right directions for things. A lot of what I have learned over the years was from a digital communications class I took at BYU-Idaho. We learned how to use Adobe Photoshop and other editing programs. So I am still using the version of Photoshop that I learned on then. Not because it is the best version, but because that is what I learned on.

Let me also point out that I am the world's worst at explaining things. Teaching is NOT my forte - and I hope that what I explain makes sense. A lot of what you can do with digital scrapbooking you can learn from tutorials online. Most of the websites I'm listing below will have areas on their sites that will offer tutorials - so check them out for better instructions than I am giving.

I use Photoshop to create my layouts. You can find Photoshop tutorials on the web that will explain how to create pages...(I think, I haven't ever looked - but can't you find anything you need on the internet???) You create your layouts in layers. Because of this - I create it just like paper scrapbooking and the layers of products that you use when you do that. If you want your eyelet to show - you put it on the top layer, you can't have it hidden under another paper layer (does that make any sense?)

There is also a less expensive version called Photoshop Elements - which is around $100.00 (I think....) A lot of people use this program, and it has most of the bells and whistles that you need without forking out the big bucks for Photoshop or anything more advanced. There are other digital scrapbooking programs you can use to create your layouts - but I am not at all familiar with them.

I save my layouts as 12x12 layouts at 300 or more dpi. I save them in a photoshop format (in case I might want to rearrange the layers for some reason down the road), and then I also save them as a jpeg format - which flattens the image (think of scanning a scrapbook layout into your computer - it makes it flat). When I have printed the few layouts that I've printed I print the jpeg file.

You can print your pages through Costco, on your own printer (Cory bought me a great large format printer for Christmas this year, and I'm embarrassed to say that it's still sitting in a box until I can find where to set it up...), you can use websites online that do digital printing - like, or You can have them printed as layouts, or printed into a book. I like the book options. I've done several as gifts and been given a great one from a vacation we went on with friends. It's great because they are all bound and very nice looking.

Anyway, there are also kits you can buy online that are already done for you - and all you do is insert your own pictures. Or you can also find pre-made books at, or other printing companies.

I have also been using digital templates lately that make my layout creation super easy. I don't have to worry about the page design - I just plug in my own products into the design. I LOVE this because I still feel like I'm creating, but I don't have to spend quite as much time deciding where to place everything in the layout.

Some of my favorite sites to buy kits from:

Some good places to find freebies:

Also, most websites do offer freebies at one time or another. You can search most sites but looking for "FREEBIES". I buy a lot of my kits, but also look for free stuff when I get a chance.

OK - I'm sorry for such rambling. I hope that some of this will answer some of your questions, and that I am not just going on and on and not making any sense. If you have any tips/tricks/favorite websites of your own - please leave them in the comments - I'd love to hear! And if you have questions - ask specific questions. I have a hard time narrowing down all of digital scrapbooking into one blog post - it's a big subject, and tough to explain each step in this format.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

scrapping at the library

I needed a little break away from home today. I didn't have any specific errands to run (and really - where is there to go 'shopping' for fun here? Walmart? ICK!). So I packed up my laptop and I am at the public library. That might sound pathetic, but it's been really relaxing. I have done some digital scrapping, it's air conditioned, I'm sitting in a comfy chair with a nice view of the park. A nice way to relax.

Thanks Cory for watching the boys for me. What a great daddy you are!

Have a nice weekend.

Friday, June 20, 2008

will the smell (stentch) ever come out?!?!?!?

Ok, I have mentioned it before - that we are potty training here. It's been weeks now, but we are seeing some progress every day. In fact, today Gabe did it all by himself several times (including putting his shorts back on and washing his hands) - which has me thrilled.

However - with some good - comes some bad, or some stinky.

Gabe has not mastered #2 in the toilet. In fact - for some reason I think it scares him. Anyway, he was outside running through the sprinklers this afternoon and I look out at our swingset area. He has his pants down. I yell out to him asking what he's doing. He says, "I'm giving my pooh to the bugs". Huh? I make my way out there, and a pretty nasty smell assaults me as I get closer. Then I notice pooh - everywhere from his waist to his toes. He had an accident, and then was trying to get rid of the evidence I guess. But it only got on him.

So after peeling off his swimming trunks - which were filled with the sticky crud (literally) we were scrubbing him down for what felt like forever. And now, over an hour later - the clothes are being washed, the tub has been scrubbed clean, I have a candle going, my Scentsy warmer going - I've sprayed Oust air-sanitizer - but I still smell pooh! And the scary thing is - I AM THE ONE THAT SMELLS LIKE IT! YUCK! I have scrubbed my hands with several different types of soap, put on hand sanitizer - the works - but the smell is still there.

So if any of you have any fantastic remedies for getting rid of the smells that potty training leaves behind - please indulge this stinky mommy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My family

My cousin Rachel took our family's pictures when we were visiting my parents in New Mexico. Thought I'd share some of my favorites. Those 2 (well 3 really, if you count my handsome hubby....) boys are sure cuties huh?

Thanks Rachel!


So recently I was in a conversation with someone about how they aren't very computer or internet savvy. It got me thinking about technology and how much I rely on it in life. I wouldn't say I'm a computer or internet whiz - but it sure does make my life easier. In fact, I remember when I was in jr high and there was a news story about the "Information Super Highway", and "World Wide Web" on our morning school news program (anyone remember Channel One?) I remember thinking, "Yeah right, like computers will play that much of a role in our lives. I doubt this "Information Super Highway" will be even 1/2 as cool as they make it seems. Was I ever wrong! Computers and the internet are SUCH a part of my life! I got to making a list of things I do with the internet and computer - wow!
WOW! I could go on and on - and this list isn't listing everything, but I am SO grateful for my computers, for the internet, and for people who have been inspired to create these things. And for those of you who aren't 'up with the times' - you're really missing out :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

My YW calling

Well it's here - the day I have been waiting for for a while now. And yet, now that it's here - I'm sad.

Today I got released from my calling in the YW presidency. I have been in YW for 4 1/2 years now. Over that 4 years I was an advisor (in Rexburg), 1st Counselor (when we first moved here - like a week after we had moved in - before our ward split), an advisor over Miamaids (after our ward split, and I had just had Gabe), and then the 2nd Counselor (from the time Gabe was 10 months old until now - 2 years). In fact, the 2 laurels we have in our ward now were just barely Beehives when we moved here

For the most part I have LOVED being in YW. I have a testimony of the YW program, and what it gives the girls. I love being with the girls, and I love the women I have gotten to serve with. I love watching the strength of the youth of the church - those kids are amazing! I love hearing testimonies of a young woman who had been previously struggling, or hearing of experiences when the girls had made great choices. I loved talking to girls who were excited about Personal Progress, or who had set a goal and were excited to have achieved it.

I have also loved feeling like I had a place in our ward where I belonged. I liked having a purpose, and an assignment. Granted, there were times when it was tough to arrange things to be at activities - people to watch the boys if Cory was gone, being sick (I was in YW through both pregnancies), being tired, feeling like I was away from my family all the time, meetings, meetings, meetings. But you know what? Those things were nothing compared to the awesome experiences I've had.

One of my favorite things was that all of the YW got together a couple of years ago to fast for a girl in our ward who wanted to be baptized. She had asked her parents, but they had said no. She had been coming to YW activities and church for a long time - but she wanted to be a member, and be baptized. The girls decided together to have a special fast for this sweet YW. Know what? The night everyone fasted this awesome girl's mom gave her the permission to take the missionary discussions and be baptized.

Then I also watched recently as a special girl in our ward was struggling. She hadn't been coming, and we were all reaching out to her and wanting her to be with us. The girls planned YW camp and one of their biggest goals was to touch this girl and get her to come to camp. We thought it wasn't going to happen, but at the last minute she decided to go for the whole time! It was so great to see her with the girls and I pray that she could feel of their spirit. I loved watching the girls reach out to each other, and include each other. I always loved to see when their prayers were answered and they were able to touch each other's lives.

And I loved the tear-filled hugs I got today as they left our lesson. Those girls each left a special place in my heart and for that I am grateful. I might not have made a huge difference in their lives, but I do know that they have in mine!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I was looking for pictures to add to my post of the different father's that I wanted to honor today - but I coudln't find pictures of everyone on my computer. So instead of leaving out anyone special, you'll have to endure a picture-less post.

But I did want to make sure to write about dad's and what a special day today is to me.

First of all - CORY! What an awesome dad he is. He loves his boys, and works so hard to support them and me. I love when he offers to take either of the boys (he's still a bit overwhelmed by taking BOTH of them) to run errands, or to give me a break. I love that he has fun going on Ranger rides with them or doing other fun family stuff. One of my FAVORITE things is to hear him at night reading to Gabe, or saying prayers with him. Such a sweet and tender moment, and helps remind me of what an awesome daddy he is.

And my Dad - what a man! I love that he's been a friend to me as well as my dad. And I love seeing him as a grandpa - he's awesome!

My father-in-law is a pretty great guy too. He has been nothing but accepting and loving of me from the beginning of my relationship with Cory.

And to all of my grandpa's, uncles, brothers - and all of the other men and father's in my life.

We love you - and hope you have a fantastic Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cory's new do

Cory came home earlier this afternoon with a new summer-time haircut. It caught us all a little off guard. In fact, Gabe was watching Toy Story when Cory came home and he said, "Look - Dad - your head looks like the scary thing in the movie" - and pointed to this character. Cory and I laughed our heads off. Gabe might think Cory looks scary - but I kind of like it. (I've always had a thing for bald men....)

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Does it ever seem to anyone else that everyday is Sunday? I guess it's because it's a 'different' day than the rest of the week - but it seems like almost every day is Sunday. I don't remember feeling this way until I had kids - but now Sunday's are such a hectic day for us that I have to admit that I often feel a bit of dread towards the day. This makes me feel bad - but it's the truth.

First of all - we have 1:00 church. This is right in the middle of nap time for Hunter, and is when Gabe generally eats lunch - and when I get a nap out of him if I'm lucky (and most of the time I'm not). And for some reason having 1:00 church we are always late (although the last few weeks we've done better). It's like all morning long we think, "We don't have church until later - we have enough time to lay around in our jammies, eat a nice breakfast, rest, play, etc." And then suddenly - it's time to leave for church - and we're late! And in our ward if you aren't like 1/2 hour early - you sit in hard chairs in the back...or possibly in the hall!

Sacrament meeting is a struggle every week - but this week was one for the record-books. It was Ward Conference - so I was looking forward to hearing from our stake leaders. Our stake president is SO great - and I LOVE hearing his counsel. Anyway - Gabe is still working on the potty training (and if anyone has any advice - I'd love to hear it - we're not making much progress...) and at the beginning of the meeting announced to the entire ward that he needed to go potty (that kid is LOUD!). So Cory took him out to go, and then I took him a few minutes later and that continued..... Well - Sacrament Meeting is what - an hour and 10 minutes long? Gabe continued needing to go out FIVE different times. I'm proud to say he stayed dry through the meeting. I'm less happy to announce that I missed most of what was taught....

Taking our kids to church is one of those things I do hoping that blessings will come of it. I hope that someday our children will realize that even though it was difficult most weeks - we were there at church. I hope somewhere along the line they get something out of it all - but for now, that's yet to be seen...

Since it was Ward Conference they announced statistics for our ward. We have are the 2nd largest ward in our stake, and our primary is by far the largest in the stake (it's huge!) They said that there are SIXTY infants in the ward as of last week - that is children under the age of 18 months! That means in a year our nursery is going to be BURSTING at the seams! Wow!

And lastly, Gabe had a cough and couldn't go to nursery, so Cory took him and Hunter back home. I stayed and got to go to Relief Society - which I never get to do because I'm in the YW presidency. But the stake leaders taught our youth and I got to enjoy the Stake President's message in Relief Society. How wonderful it was to be spiritually fed by one of our leaders. I could feel of the love of our leaders, and more importantly my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. It was a touching meeting and I felt somewhat re-charged - more-so than normal.

Anyway - where is this post going (other than on and on....?) I just want to say how grateful I am for the gospel. Sure, it can be hard to get to church sometimes. There are weeks when the weather is gorgeous and we'd rather be out playing, or weeks when it seems easier to stay home with the kids than to fight them through the meetings. But I do know that is where we belong on Sunday. And I know that I have a HUGE responsibility to my kids to have them there, and to teach them how important the church, and the gospel is. I have a testimony of the gospel and I hope and pray that I can teach my children so they too can have a testimony of our Savior and His plan for us. I hope your Sunday was wonderful!

Sand Hollow

This week some friends of ours invited us to go with them to Sand Hollow Reservoir for the evening. They took several personal water-craft for us to all play on, we had a picnic on the beach, and enjoyed nearly PERFECT weather. Hunter enjoyed eating sand, rocks and ants (and anything else he could get his hands on), I had fun driving a sea-do for the first time (however, I'm a bit of a wimp...), Cory had fun with our friends, and Gabe just kept wanting to go FASTER and FASTER on the sea-do - but didn't want to play in the water - he would yell, "I'm drowning!!!".