Tuesday, December 04, 2007


So tonight I needed to take a treat to Young Women's and I made a double batch of my favorite recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies (from the Better Homes and Gardens classic cook-book). I added one bag of milk chocolate chips, and one bag of butterscotch - just for my hubby. As I finished making them I remembered that I needed a dessert to take to our big Relief Society Christmas party tomorrow night too and that I'd bought the stuff to make these tasty looking pretzels. So instead of eating a bunch of cookies tonight as I make them, and then eating a bunch of the hug pretzels tomorrow too I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and get them both done today while the boys were sleeping. (Let's face it - I have zero will-power when it comes to warm chocolate chip cookies or Hershey Hugs!) That way I can hopefully be good tomorrow instead of having 2 days full of pigging out. The hug pretzels turned out so yummy looking (they're cooling in the fridge). Since I'm trying to be good and not eat myself into a Santa suit I hope I can resist enough that we can still have enough for the Relief Society party.
But that being said I have the hardest time with goodies this time of year. There are yummy things that aren't available during the year (like Mint M&M's - what's up with that!?!?) and I want to indulge because they won't be available again for a year. But I'm trying really hard to do good and not pig out. Loosing weight with Weight Watchers has been slow in coming after Hunter - much harder than with Gabe, and the holidays are exactly what I don't need right now. So wish me luck!
(The recipe and picture came from Becky Higgin's blog).


Chase said...

"eat myself into a santa suit"

hehehe!! Oh Joanna, you got me laughing at that one. I'm gonna have that imagine in my mind (of me, not you) every time I go to eat something during the Holidays. You're great! And your boys are sure handsome. I cannot believe what a great photo you got of the boys and santa. I remember the tears that were shed from Gabe because of a certain jolly fellow. We can't wait to see all of you in a few short weeks!

Rachel Clare said...

What are the dementions for your header? You always have such cute ones, and I can't seem to get the ones I make to fit!! Can you either email me or leave the dementions (in pixels) on my blog?


Liz said...

I FEEL YOUR PAIN! A. Yes, being good is so hard this time of year... and B. Yes, losing after baby #2 is so much harder! I'm having a heck of a time. Sorry I don't have any advice, just wanted to say "me too!"
Your pretzel treats look so yummy!