"Hunter, Hunter, Bo-Bunter"
Cory is always saying this....I don't know exactly why....but what used to be odd to me now makes me smile. When Gabe was about this age we called him "Gabers" (and we still do) - and I guess this has just become a term of endearment for Hunter. Cute little guy.
Anyway - here are just a couple cute pictures of Hunter with his giant grin. I especially love the 2nd picture because it shows the giant goobers of slobber dripping off his chin. This little guy is quite the slobbery one! Today his shirt was covered, blankets - covered, mommy - covered, we were all covered in Hunter slobber. But with a smile like that - who could be upset?
cute little guy and then some. Give him a kiss and hug form me. love grandma Marilyn
And a cute Hunter, Hunter Bo Bunter he is, too!
Gramma and Grampa Rhien
You must be making progress - he is grinning from ear to ear WHILE laying on his stomach. YAY !!!
He is a cutie. Love, Aunt Charlotte
Cute! I love the big smile!
We always joke that Emeline would be the coolest girl in third grade right now because she does that to EVERYONE's name. My husband used to always say "Jarom Jarom bo barom..." and taught Emeline to say it, and now she does it to everyone. My favorite is "Mommy mommy bo bommy banana fana fo fommy me my mo mommy, MOMMY!" Always makes me smile. :)
He is changing so fast! And I love the grin. Rowan is way drooly too- I just keep a bib on her, as much as I hate to.
We can't teach Elias the "banana" song because I'm afraid he's going to try to use it with "Tucker" sometime. But I'm glad it works at your house!! :)
Have a Merry Christmas! We wish we could see you guys, and are sorry we missed you at Thanksgiving.
What a cutie. My Carson was the worst for slobbering. He would get a rash all over his chest because it was always wet. I finally bought a bunch of the plastic backed bibs that were extra absorbant to the front. I would have to change the bibs about 5 times a day, but it kept his chest from rashing lol. Maybe Hunter won't be as big of a slobber kit. Also loved your neighbor gift. Very cute.
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