Last week my cousin Liz left a comment on one of my gratitude posts after I mentioned that Cory had bought new bathroom rugs without being asked. She said,
He bought bathroom rugs without being asked?! Maybe Cory should start teaching seminars to married men who want really happy wives. :) I'm serious! You are always talking about the sweet things he does that my husband would never think of! He could make a fortune traveling the country teaching really unperceptive men what they should be doing. Think about the possibilities!
I totally laughed because all too often I think of all the things Cory isn't doing - instead of focusing on the little sweet things he does do. I've had several friends comment on Cory lately including a friend once who said, "He is SO romantic!" I laughed because I didn't view him as being romantic - not at all. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Cory really does sweet things a lot, and I need to recognize him more for it. He's a great guy and tries his very best. There are even days like today that he totally hits the nail on the head! I'm pretty lucky and need to remember it more often.
So I have been eyeing this fun new Cricut machine that came out a while ago. I've resisted - kept telling myself I'd eventually cash in on the computer cutter like the Wishblade or the one by Quickutz that Cory promised for my birthday in June (but I hadn't found anywhere local that carried it, or the accessories - so I hadn't bought one yet. I didn't want to have a cool toy that I couldn't go get accessories/blades/mats/etc for when I needed to). Anyway, I already have the original Cricut, and felt like it would be silly to buy the new one. What was such a big deal about it?

But then I got looking into it. WOW! The new one can cut up to 12 X 24 inches! I'm not totally sure WHY I need to cut something that size - all I know is that now I know it's possible I must be able to cut out huge letters and icons :). And - it also cuts vinyl! And they've released some great vinyl that I can pick up at Roberts Craft.
And it does other awesome things too - especially with the new software that I've begged Santa for (I'm pretty proud of myself for waiting until Christmas on this one).
Anyway - I told Cory that I would really like the new Cricut machine for Christmas...or sooner...but Christmas would be great. But today he came home before heading out to another job and put a big happy box on the counter. "Here," he said, "You can have it early since I got the Wii early". (Yeah, the day after Thanksgiving Cory was up at 4:00 am to get one of the coveted Wii game systems)
I said, "No, I want to still have something fun to open on Christmas Day - keep this so I will still get something on Christmas." He seemed offended that I would think he wouldn't get me something for Christmas. He said, "I'm just full of surprises - just you wait!"
So I need to say THANK YOU Cory - for surprising me early, for doing sweet things, working hard, helping out when you can, and for being pretty darn cute! I love you sweetie! (and really - not just because you buy me presents - that's just an added bonus!)
WOW! What an AWESOME husband! Gotta love that! Way to go Cory. Now, can you come to my house and teach my husband of 13 yrs some of your tricks!
So really, has he considered the seminar circuit!?! Wow, what a sweetheart! You really do have a winner!
Cory is awesome. You'll have to lmk what you think of it after you play with it a bit. I have a hard time trying to justify any sb purchases since I hardly do any sbing these days. Hey and I love your blog banner. I'm gonna have to get creative one of these days.
wow. Does it cut any vector file? or does the file have to be in their cartridge? If you could just load any pdf file to that machine and have it cut... that would be really cool.
that's so sweet!!! that machine is fun to use! my friend has one and i want one now! ;o)
Cool Joanna. I do love my wishblade though. I just ordered some transfer paper online for the vinyl, so you can transfer your vinyl to the wall better. Can't wait. Tell Cory he is so thoughtful. Have him bring his wii up for christmas. Ha Ha. We might not ever get the guys away from it.
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