Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Woes from Wednesday

Wow! I honestly never knew how much a 2 year old can wear you out. Gabe has done a number on me. I love him dearly - but he has me at my wits end. His screaming, constant talking (loudly), climbing on everything, temper tantrums, throwing things, eating habits (or NOT eating habits I should say....), lack of obedience, demanding everything, wanting to help with everything (he says, "Mine do it!!!") WHEW!

I know it's normal for a 2 year old to assert his independence and test boundaries. I know he's developing language skills, strength, independent thinking....but I'm also developing a headache.

So I'm throwing it out there - any advice for raising an energetic toddler? Any suggestions for discipline? I'm open to ideas and suggestions at this point.

This afternoon he was on one of his kicks - screaming, yelling, demanding things he couldn't have. It was pretty ugly. I was trying to get his diaper changed and he said he wanted to go potty. Then he went to his closet and screamed that he wanted a "POTTY TRAIN!!!" and pointed to one of the shelves. It took me quite a few minutes to understand what he wanted - he wanted some underwear I bought him when he was showing interest in going potty on the toilet. So I had to sit and try to reason with a screaming toddler that there wasn't an actual TRAIN, and that he couldn't have worn his undies until he went potty all the time on the potty. Ugh - rationalizing with him isn't working.


jed-laura said...

LOL- I know this may not seem funny to you right now, but the whole "potty train" thing had me cracking up.

Being a parent can be tough, but you are a very good Mom. Don't forget that. Tell yourself how wonderful a Mom you are each time Gabe gets unruly. I tried this with Alli- "I'm a very patient and kind dad." at least helped me to get a handle on my own emotions so I could calm down enough to stop from making the situation worse by getting angry and overwhelmed.

Makes you thankful for what Mom went through for us kids huh?

Also, back to Gabes "potty train" incident, I wonder if there really were a potty train, where do you think it would go to and where can you get aboard? "All Aboard the Potty Train" chuggachuggachuggachugga... ChoooooChooo."

If this isn't already a really adorable kids book, I think I should write it.

We were lucky with Alli in the potty training department. We tried to go cold turkey with quitting day-time diapers and using undies, and she has had remarkably few accidents from that day on.

Keep your chin up- Remember, you are a great Mom.


Brian & Charlotte Carper said...

1. Pick your battles - in 200 years will this matter?? If it doesn't, try to let it pass. Have 2 or 3 areas where you are immovable, leave the rest up to chance.

2. I tried rationalizations with Blake. I thought I had to explain everything to him - the #1 think I learned to say to Alicia that I wish I had known with Blake : "Because I'm the MOM ... Be QUIET."

3. Part of the Potty Train is the feeling of the wetness running down your legs - if you wait until he goes to the potty all the time before you put him in pants, you'll still have him in diapers in 6th grade.

Been in your shoes - Blake had a cut just like that on his chin, over both eyes, hand, and knee. We spent a lot of time in ER. LOVE< Aunt Charlotte

Liz said...

Unfortunately, I think headaches are a guarantee, even with the best of 'em. Sometimes we just "take a few minutes" for a quiet time. I find that when Emeline is having a rough time, sometimes even she likes to be by herself... a little alone time reading books or doing something else in her room is always nice.