Friday night was exciting at the Ellis household. We had a neighbor over doing some work on his Bob-Cat in our yard - scraping some gravel and leveling out our driveway. Gabe was so excited to watch him move the dirt around and kept yelling for the "BOB!"
Well he was running into the house and tripped, hitting his poor little chin on the cement step - HARD. I was in the house, but after hearing Cory yell some explitives and hear him barreling in the house - I knew something was wrong. I was feeding the baby, so I called out, "What's wrong?" Cory yelled back at me, "We're heading to the ER". I slowed him down enough to find out what had happened, and get a look at the cut. I actually called our Dr's office and asked when they recommended he come to the ER - how bad it needed to be. The dr said that if it gaped at all - he needed to be seen. It was definetly gaping open, and there was quite a bit of blood - so Cory volunteered to take him in (so I wouldn't have to take the baby out and all)
I hated not going with him - but I knew Cory could handle it. I made sure they had a camera to document how it went (these were the only 2 pictures they got) - and off they headed to the hospital. They really weren't there all that long - I was impressed with how quickly they were in and out. He didn't have to have stitches - they just glued him up with some stuff like super-glue. He was only upset because they held him down, and he didn't like that.
Overall he didn't really cry very much. He was upset because he wanted to go back out to watch the Bob-Cat, but wasn't terribly phased by the blood, or the pain. We were grateful for that. Now he just has a bandaid on his chin that he proudly shows everyone we see - sure to tell them that he fell on the stairs. It's healing well from what I can tell.
I know that this was certainly not our last experience like this - I'm sure with this rough and tumble little boy we'll have plenty of visits to the ER.
Poor little guy! I'm glad he's okay! That would have scared me to death-
OUCH! Give him an extra big hug and kiss from Gramma and Grampa Rhien.
I am glad he didn't have to have stiches.
Knock on wood: we haven't haqd to make any trips to the ER yet. I am surprised with danger boys Lincoln and Logan that try anything and eveything, that they haven't gotten hurt.
Give Gabe hugs and kisses for us. And Hunter too.
Eek! One of my fears! Glad he's okay, and I'm glad to know that your husband lets out the occasional expletive as well. ;)
tpoor little guy! Good husband that takes pictures!
That's great Gabe just wanted to keep watching the bob-cat! Kids are so resilient, aren't they? It probably hurt you more than him. And I'm impressed Cory took photos! Good luck with everything-- Love ya.
oh no!! poor little love (and mama and daddy!!) hang in there!
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