Well, it looks like we're on our own with Gabe now. My mom left this morning at 9:30 after being here for 3 weeks. It's crazy that she got to stay for 3 weeks - but with my surgery she knew we'd need a little extra help (and we did) - so I'm so grateful that she stayed. I think the tears I had when she left weren't as much of feeling like I couldn't do it without her here to help; but were more tears of sadness to see a friend leave. My mom is truly one of my very best friends in life, and it has been so wonderful to have her here to share these new mommy experiences with. Thanks mom!
And I think Gabe will be a little confused to have Granma gone too. She's been here since he was born, so I think he thinks that she's a part of our little family. I'm sure he'll miss her, and be so excited for the times he gets to visit her. Last night I was cuddling with Gabe and I told him, "Now tomorrow morning Granma is going to leave and it's just going to be you and me during the day - what do you think about that?" He looked at me and started to wail. I guess maybe he did understand, and the thought of being stuck with mom all day scared the poor guy a bit.
It was somewhat comforting to know that we'll see her again this weekend when we bless Gabe. We'll get to see lots of family and we're excited to share Gabe with them. But I guess for these next few days - we're kind of on our own.....
He wasnt crying at the thought of being alone with you...he was just sad to hear his granma was leaving. Hang in there, Joanna. The next few days will take some adjusting, but you can do it. You and Mr.Gabe will be just fine on your own! :)
Praying the adjustment time goes smoothly!
Hey Gabe! I'll see you again on Saturday and Sunday. Yeah! I love you and miss you. :)
Love, Gramma
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