Sunday, June 12, 2011

Love This Girl!

I hope this doesn't come across that I have "favorites" (because I don't) - but I just want to say I just LOVE my sister-in-law Kori!  I just got off of chatting with her on facebook chat this afternoon and I just had that warm fuzzy feeling that reminds me that I have awesome people in my life.  You know the way you feel after being with a great friend and you want to say a quick little prayer to thank Heavenly Father for putting amazing people in your path?  Yeah - that feeling!

Kori is married to my husband Cory's little brother Chase.  Chase is a totally awesome guy too - and the two of them as a couple, and as parents to their darling kids - they rock!  Today Kori asked me if my husband had any funny towel habits (leaving wet washcloths puddled up in the sink, wiping weird things on the hand towels, etc).  She said that her husband did, but it was the ONLY thing that he did that drove her nuts.  I commented that for that to be the ONLY thing he did wrong was pretty amazing and awesome.  And know what?  She was serious!  She and Chase are so in love with each other - so cute and ooey-gooey with each other - it's darling!

Kori is an AWESOME mom too. She has 2 of the cutest little kids in the world and it just about breaks my heart when I look at their pictures and wish we lived closer.  Wish we got to spend birthdays together, celebrate more holidays together and just be regular participants in each others lives....

But since she's across the country in Indiana I'll have to settle on chatting on facebook, emails, ocasional phone calls (she totally gets that I'm not a phone person either - it's hard for both of us with 2 small kids!).  I'll be grateful for her understanding heart and good example to me.

Love you Kori!!!

(and sorry I stole these pictures from your Facebook page....)

1 comment:

Ellis said...

Thanks, Joanna, you are always so sweet. It was SO good chatting with you and I am so grateful to have someone who can relate to so many things with. I appreciate you and am so glad that you are my sister!