Well Gabe is off for his first weekend at Grandma Tammy's house (without mom and dad). I'm sure that this will become something he gets to do more often, and looks forward to. (I know mom and dad are looking forward to a weekend together....)
Anyway, this afternoon I took his bag into his room to start packing his stuff. He crawled right in the bag and was ready to go. It was so cute! So Grandma - here he comes!
Have fun, Gabe! (And Tammy and Kim)
He looks so grown up in these photos, especially the bottom one. He's losing some of his baby face and looking more like a little boy.
Gramma and Grampa Rhien
Hope it's a great time for every one!! such a cute picture!
Well Gabe made it to our house through the rain and the hail! Coby was driving (now he has his official license) and Gabe and I in the back seat. Sardine was slow and pouring. Gabe kept pointing to the windshield. We thought it might be rough going to sleep that night, but when we got home we let him roam around abit, play, eat, and bath. Around 10, Grandma thought it best to see if he would go to bed. He did! Didn't even whimper! He talked to himself for about 10 minutes and then I checked on him and he was asleep. I slept in the big bed because I thought he wouldn't sleep all night through. How wrong I was! I sort of woke him up around 9:15 because we had play practise @ 10:00. He was fantastic there, too. Today Grandpa surprised him by coming home and we went shopping for things for Uncle Coby and his little party with friends tonight. Of course, Grandma had to get something for Gabe, too. After nap time, he'll get to play with it. Coby's friends can't wait to play with him tonight! Well thanks for this fun weekend and hope we get more!
Grandma Tammy
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