Holy moly - Gabe's 5 months old today! I honestly can't believe that it's been 5 months - time really has just flown right by. I hate it - I want him to stay little. I love watching him grown and change, but time just goes too fast.
**Gabe has really turned into quite the little cheeser. He definetly knows when the camera is out, and is more than willing to give us a gummy smile.
thanks for making me smile this morning! :)
Happy Birthday, Cutie Patootie!
Love, Gramma Rhien
I had seen only one post of Gabe and worried that maybe something was wrong. Had to come here see more pictures and know that you are all doing well. I miss your posts! Best wishes.
oh my!!!! he's so CUTE!!!! :) love his little green vest!
Hey Joanna! What's up? I came for my weekly dose of Gabejoy, and it's still LAST week's pixs! Hurumph!. Hope you guys are doing and well. And thanks for the updates all through Paul and Nichole's wedding stuff--it made it easier to be here and not there(s).
Love, Sandra
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