Chilling with Great Grandpa (aka Papa). Papa showed us a picture of himself when he was about Gabe's age, and there is a striking resemblance. He gave us a copy of the picture and it is something we'll treasure!

Gabe loved spending time with Aunt Julia, she's so fun with him!
Gabe and Grandma. My mom was so great at picking up things Gabe was saying. She also was really in-tune with what he wanted. She'd tell me, "I think he's ready for a nap". I'd say "No - he just woke up". But sure enough, Grandma knows best - and every time she was right on.
There is something to be said about being HOME. I love visiting family dearly - I really do. But I am really a homebody. I like routine, I like having things in their place, and I like being organized. Being away from home messes up routines, is hard to stay organized - and it feels like I just need to get things put away and in their place. So that being said - I loved spending the week with family - but it's good to be home.
So here are a couple of pictures of Gabe enjoying some of the family we visited with this week. My parents live in my Dad's home town, and we have lots of family there. (I wish I had gotten more pictures!) We got to see my grandparents, 2 Aunts, several of my cousins as well as other fun people. The best part is sharing Gabe with others - so they can enjoy his sweetness as much as we do. In fact, seeing their love and excitement for him makes me even happier that he's a part of my life!
glad yall had such a great trip!!
We LOVED having all three of you here. Gabe was such a joy! He has such a sweet and happy personality. I am glad that you were able to see your cousins, as well. What fun! :)
Love, Mom
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