Today we added a new favorite to the list of things Gabe loves to do outside - driving the tractor! Cory rented a little tractor for the day to work on some yard projects and Gabe LOVED it. Cory first asked me to take some pictures of him on it, "to make Coby jealous" (Cory's little brother LOVES tractors - even more than Gabe!). But then Gabe wanted to climb on and wanted me to take his picture. It was hilarious, he was trying to use the levers and switches. He kept saying, "eeach" (which means - I can't reach it!) and trying to get to things. I have a feeling Uncle Coby has passed his love onto his nephew, Gabe seemed like a natural! Gabe loved driving it around with Daddy!

And last, but not least - the dogs. I sure haven't posted much about them have I? The poor dogs took a bit of a back seat since Gabe has been born. They're pretty good about it for the most part. They are taking Gabe's lead and are LOVING the nice weather we've been having. Daisy won't even come inside during the day - just wants to lay around the yard. Speaking of Daisy - she is getting so old! She looks (and even acts) even older than she is. We got her in 2000, so she's almost 7 years old. Anyway, she's been a good dog - I sure love both of our dogs!

(Edited to add: The formatting on this is really screwy, and the pictures and spaces are all over the place. I'm sorry....don't know what the deal is...)
Im glad that Gabe is wanting to drive tractors. He does look like a natural. LOve
Yup...he does indeed look like a natural. In fact, it looks like he knows exactly what to do. He just needs his arms and legs to grow a bit. :)
Gramma Rhien
Looks like we will have another John Deere Boy in the Family.
Love you,
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