Tuesday, May 01, 2007

some favorites

I was reviewing some pictures this afternoon and I came across one of my very favorite pictures I've taken of Gabe. Artistically it's not a fabulous picture - but as far as sentiment and emotion goes, this one takes the cake! This was from when my mom and I took Gabe to Oregon in March. The Oregon Coast is my mom's favorite place on earth, and she's passed her love of this beautiful place on to her children, and as you can see in this moment - her grandchildren!

Gabe and my mom were watching the waves "CRASH" against the rocks, as well as the seagulls and he was loving every minute of it. I love how he looks at her like, "Yeah, I think it's pretty fantastic too!" Pretty sweet picture....


Rachel Clare said...

I love these pictures. I agree- that first one is really sweet. The Oregon Coast IS a most beautiful place!!

The Rhiens said...

I LOVE the looks on Gabe's face, as well! He was so cute with the crashing waves, the seagulls, etc. How fun to share that all with him (and with you!). I am not so excited about the pics of me. I feel like I need to explain to everyone that I don't usually wear my hair that way...but I have a perm and it seemed that with the wetter Oregon air, it just kept frizzing up...so finally I just gave in and left it curly. Oh well...it is fun to see Gabe's delight in the pictures. Thanks for bringing back some fun memories!

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

could your mom be more in love with that little guy? :) cant wait to see her with the newest one! :)