What a cutie! Gabe loved opening presents and discovering new toys. He was definetly showered with gifts! He is starting to get into playing with cars, and he loves the car mat we got him to play on - and the cars Gramma Rhien bought. The clothes he was given are all PERFECT! We all love them, and those of you who picked out clothes - great taste! The books were great, we've already read several of them twice! What fun for all of us. I really felt like a little kid watching him open gifts and get excited about them. Lots of fun!
The big present we got for Gabe (no, it wasn't the Ranger....) was a John Deere push tractor toy. He has figured out how to push it - but hasn't caught onto how to move his legs along with it - so he kind of falls flat on his face. But he does enjoy the sounds it makes, and had a blast being pushed around by Daddy. (The seat opens up too, and there are farm animals inside that make noises). I think that will end up providing hours of fun. (And will probably make Uncle Coby jealous).
I have more pictures, but I'm pooped, and I'll post them later.
Thank you to everyone who called with birthday wishes, sent cards and gifts - we felt of your love, and are grateful that you're in Gabe's life! Love ya!
What a cutie!! I hope he had a Happy Birthday! Time sure flies, doesn't it! My second girl just turned 2 years old on Aug. 2nd and I'm still in disbelief!!
Good thing we don't live closer, or that cute little guy would be REALLY spoiled! Uncle Brian
Happy Birthday, Gabe! You are one gorgeous little boy!
Coby said the tractor is NOT big enough! Ha! Cute pictures!
Love from Logan
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