Julia told us that she hated being called Ju-Ju - but we thought that it would be easy for Gabe to say.....what do you think? Doesn't Aunt Ju-Ju have a cute ring to it? We've enjoyed having Julia here to visit for the last couple of days. It's her spring break, and she's spending some of it with us. Aren't we lucky? She's been so cute with Gabe, and he really has loved having her around. She makes him giggle really well, and they have had fun. It makes me sad and wish that we have more family around for him to get to enjoy.....
Julia, Gabe and I are hopping into the car tomorrow and driving back to Farmington. Gabe wants to see his Grandma and Grandpa Rhien - he hasn't seen them since Christmas time. He's grown up so much in the last couple of months, they'll hardly recognize him I think. We'll spend a couple of days there, and head back on Friday or Saturday (still not sure when). Cory will stay here and work on the many unending projects that he has going on (and most likely will start a dozen more while we're gone).
Speaking of Gabe - he's feeling sick. I have had a yucky head-cold the last few days, and I hoped he'd be lucky enough to avoid it. Unfortunately not so. Today he was so sad and fussy. All he wanted was for me to hold and snuggle him. Poor guy. I'm hoping that he'll feel up to the drive tomorrow. I'm praying that a day in the carseat will be just what he needs - plenty of nap time. Keep him in your prayers. We'll post more when we get back. Have a great week!

Joanna, you look great! most of the time people mention how good your baby looks, it's your turn.
- Love ya-
I agree - you do look great Joanna! All sparkly and happy. I hope you have a good drive, and that Gabe gets to feeling better. Glad you get to see your family. Fun! We'll be thinking of you all. Love you. Alicia
Julia hates to be called "Giulietta" (in italian). I remember this too!
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