I just wrote up a long post about how Gabe's now 2 months old - but then somehow it disappeared before I published it. GRRR......
Anyway, it's Gabe's 2 month birthday today! He is now 10 lbs 12 oz, and 23 inches long. It's funny though because some of our 0-3 month clothes are still too big on him :).
We're getting ready to leave tomorrow morning for a week long trip. It will involve seeing some family, and a training seminar for work in Coeur D'Alene. It will be a LOT of driving, and we're hoping that things go somewhat smoothly....wish us luck!
Here are a couple of pictures from right before Gabe's bath tonight. It's his very favorite time of night - something he looks forward to all day long. He is so cute once he gets in the warm water!
sweet boy!!
Wow! I can't believe its been 2 months already! Where did it go? What a cutie! I love to see him so smiley. Give him a big hug and kiss for Gramma, Grampa and Auntie J. :)
Love, Mom
So happy Grandma Ellis stoppd by so show me how to get these darling pictures. He is really growing and will not be a baby very long. Love,
Grandma Harding
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