Yesterday we took an official family outing - with the dogs and everything. We loaded up the ranger and drove up by Navajo Lake (about 40 minutes from our house). The leaves have started changing and are breathtaking in some areas! We went on a ranger drive through some beautiful scenery, and ended up at a trailhead for Cascade Falls. I think it said it was .7 miles to the falls. So we hiked to the falls and it was beautiful! The weather has cooled off quite a bit, so as we drove we were pretty chilly, but after hiking we warmed up. After our hike we had a picnic lunch and drove back to where we'd parked the car. It was so much fun to be together, enjoying nature, and creating memories. I can't wait for more Saturday outings like this as Gabe gets older!
Looks like it was a nice day to be out and about. Sounds like the Ranger will be good for all kinds of family fun. Its nice that its big enough for everybody. People use a lot of 4wheelers up here, but they're not really big enough for more than 2, so its neat you have something "full size". I like the layouts you did about Gabe being with family too - very cute and nice colors. Love you! Glad you got to go to South Africa - I bet it was amazing. :) Alicia
What fun! I am so glad that you got up there to see the leaves. I know they were gorgeous when I went through on Thursday. We hope to go leaf-viewing this weekend.
Super cute photos! I love the one that shows Gabe's cute litte teeth. Chase and I went for a drive up Logan canyon on Sunday and the trees were absolutely lovely, but I wish we could have hiked a little. Looks like you guys had a great time!
Kori and Chase
It does soung like it was fun. Gabe even looked like it was. I liked the glasses best! This weekend I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Wellsvilles all capped with snow and then at the bottom of the snowline was all the maple trees turning yellow, orange, brown, and red. It was a sight to marvel at. Keep having those family outings. Love Grandpa and Grandma
Looks like fun!! that's a great pic of you! You need to hand the camera over to Cory more often! (was that subtle enough?) ;)
looks like a lot of fun. Gabe gets cuter and cuter everyday.
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