...they're not! Tonight Gabe and I ran into the grocery store before dinner. He passed some cookies and was throwing a fit becuase he wanted one. I told him, "You have to eat dinner first. But before you have your bath tonight Daddy can give you an Oreo". So I go to my Young Women's activity and come home to Gabe eating an Oreo in his high chair. He gets his bath, and you'd think it was time for bed....that's where you're WRONG! That little Oreo apparently had enough sugar in it to keep Gabe hopping for hours. He did NOT want to go to bed! I tried rocking, singing, I even tried watching tv in his room while I rocked him in his big chair (which always works!) NOTHING worked! He kept laughing, playing, having a great time. Finally after over an hour I gave up and just put him in his crib. Now he's talking in his room, but not asleep.
So next time I decided to feed my child something as loaded with sugar as an Oreo, I'll think twice!
LOL! I'm sorry... it's a cute story though.
But now all I can think about is "yummy, oreo's" said in my best Homer Simpson voice (not that I watch him). They sound so good right now ... I've pretty much given them up and have switched to the 100 cal pack oreo's... not as good but they'll do in a pinch.
Wow, that's totally long and random... sorry :)
I can just picture it! Hysterical... to those not involved! lol
Since it hapened in your house, it's soooo funny. I can just see the little guy all wired up on oreo's. LOL Sorry Hope he is back to normal. We love you guys. Uncle Brian and Aunt Char
At least it sounds like he was happy-wired and didn't get cranky from the sugar- speaking of which, was he back to normal the next day or did he have a sugar hangover? We can't wait to see some photos from Africa! What a dream!
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