And if the scary hair monster wasn't enough - the poor little guy had a great big zit right in the middle of his chin. This isn't one of those sweet looking baby pimple - it's a full blown teenage zit. Poor fella.
But even with the zit, and the funky hair - Gabe could still win a cutest baby contest any day of the week! Especially with those kissy lips!
I'd love to give those little lips a kiss, zit and all. :) Can't wait til we can see him next, whenever that is.
Love, Mom
Oh my goodness I can't believe it! I found you! A long time ago I wrote you a note telling you I loved your work and I felt drawn to your story because we wanted children just like you! You were so kind and when I saw someone named Joanna post on Loni's blog I was just curious and it was you! Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! I am sooooo happy for you. I've thought about you a couple times. I love your work!!!
Hey - that's how my hair looks when I get up in the morning! Maybe its a family thing, hehe. What a cutie! love ya! Alicia
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