This challenge is amazing. The woman in the pictures - Leslie Groft - is one of my dear friends and is actually the woman I'm blessed to have as my personal trainer. She is helping me to change my life in many ways. I love this gal and I love that she's helping me find my happy self again.
This health challenge is FREE, life changing, uplifting and amazing. Oh yeah - did I mention FREE. Bill Phillips, the founder of Transformation has changed so many lives and he is making his tools available to all of us for FREE! The neat thing to me is that his challenge and his program isn't just about loosing weight. It's SO much deeper than that - it is about transforming yourself into a better version of yourself. The weight loss is just a side effect of that :). There are assignments, support groups, radio programs, recipes, workout ideas and even more on the website.
By participating in the challenge you are also given the chance to win a bunch of $ - but the draw to the program for me is that I'm becoming happier. I haven't actually even officially registered for the chance to win the $ - I've just been working on becoming the person I know I'm meant to be. I'm focusing on becoming the daughter I know my Heavenly Father sent me here to become. I am reminding myself of the stewardship He gave me over this body and I'm trying to do what I can to return to Him one day and not be ashamed for destroying the beautiful creation he sent me with.
Overall the reason I know this program works - I'm feeling hope again. I'm finding myself wanting to make plans for the future. I'm doing things I wouldn't have done before (ran a 5K on Saturday - pictures to come soon). I'm feeling like there is something to work towards and that I'm doing something that helps me physically, spiritually and mentally. I'm remembering happier times in my life and excited for those again. I'm not feeling the depression and despair I was struggling with before starting this.
Yes, it's hard. Yes, there are days I don't want to keep working out every morning or when I really just want to cheat and eat junk food all day. But I'm learning that I deserve better than that. My family deserves better than that. I can be a better wife, friend, mother, daughter and a better ME by taking care of my body and mind.
So I thought I'd put this out there for any of you who could use a little more clarity in your life. Anyone who has tried other things and it hasn't worked - or to anyone who might even just want to work towards $50,000. As one of my friends said - what's the worse thing that could happen if you didn't win the money - at least you have a healthier body and mind - you definetly won't be a "looser" in any respect.
Good luck to all of the challengers and CONGRATS to Leslie for showing all of us that it's possible!
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WOW!!! I hope that it is as good as it says... I signed up now so I could make the deadline, but obviously have to take it easy until after baby comes. :) Thanks for the info, I am excited to be a fit and happy mom!
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