Monday, April 27, 2009

Nana and Papa

While Cory & I were on our trip this last week my parents were so great and came to watch the boys for us. My dad loves National Parks so they took an outing 2 of the days - one to Bryce Canyon, and one to Zion's National Park. I'm so glad they took pictures so we could see how cute they were and the fun they had.

I'm so grateful that my parents came to spend time with the boys, and to help us out while we were gone. My mom has come to watch the boys when we've traveled before - but my Dad has always stayed home to work. This time he took time off to come with her. I hope it didn't wear them out too much. :) It was great to have loving family watch the boys - I didn't worry about them for even a second.

We are so blessed to have supportive family members on both sides of the family - pretty darn blessed!


Tarrah said...

Looks like your boys had a blast! How nice of your parents to watch your boys and take them on a mini vacation. How far away is the Grand canyon from you guys?

jed-laura said...

looks like they had a good time. Hope you had a good time on your vacation as well.

The clarkes said...

What great parents! Did you say that you have family members near Dallas? I have a Brent Ellis in my primary class here- any relation :)

Kim and Tammy said...

I think it is especially fun for everyone when they get to share Grandpa & Grandma at the same time. Glad you were able to come Scott. You two look awesome!

Rhonda S. said...

Oh it looks like they had so much fun. I hope you guys did as well, can't wait to see pictures of your trip.