Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fantastic Video - Dayton's Legs

I came across this video last week, just a day before Cory was going to participate in a sprint triathlon himself.  As I watched this sweet boy and his immense love and friendship for Dayton I couldn't hold back the tears. I called my boys into my computer room and had the watch it with me several times.  I cried and told them that I hoped they could be that kind of friend to someone someday.  We had a moment to talk about how Jesus is friends to everyone, and He wants us to love others too.

What a beautiful and touching story!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Thank you for sharing this video. I had to show my daughter before she got on the bus, what an incredible example this young man is. It really makes me want to reallt go the extra mile and be like my Savior. Thank you I needed this today.