(I took these pictures of my boys to mark a day that will go down in history - one way or another. They might be too young to realize what is going on, but I want them to know that choices that are made right now will effect them, and that THEY are the future we are working for - their goodness and hope!)
Over the last few weeks as I we have been getting ready to vote I contemplated a lot of things - freedoms, choice, our future, agency....I have been thinking about my children, their future as American's, about our economy, war, rights, feelings of entitlement.....
I've had a lot of anxiety, fear and anger. I've worried about the direction things are going, the things I don't seem to have much control over - all of it has scared me quite a bit. But on Sunday a man that I respect a lot in our ward got up in Testimony meeting and was so optimistic. He talked about how he didn't know the outcome of the election, or the direction things would be taking - but that he had a feeling of hope and optimism, and felt like our sweet little town would be protected. He said that we have good people in our community and that no matter what - we will take care of each other.
After he spoke I had a different feeling. Yes - I am still anxious in the fact that I am looking forward to see who we choose as a nation to lead us - but he's right - for the most part we as people are GOOD, and want GOOD things. We should be more optimistic than pessimistic. As people who know of truth we should rejoice, live the ways we've been taught to be correct, and look for the good things that are to come. Yes - there will be hard times, and yes - we will have trials - but if we follow our church leaders and look with hope to the future we will be blessed.
love this quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley,
"I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we 'accentuate the positive.' I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good. … Look for the sunlight through the clouds" ("The Continuing Pursuit of Truth," Ensign, Apr. 1986, 2–4).
Now I'm not saying that I will necessarily be thrilled with the decision we come to as a nation tonight, but I do know one thing - we are blessed to live in America and have the right and privilege to vote. What a blessing. I thought about the feelings I had in South Africa when I went to the museum that discussed apartheid. I felt SO grateful for my American citizenship and knowing that I had the chance to vote and make a difference. I was so filled with a feeling of thanksgiving for the freedoms that we take for granted every day. Think about the people in Darfur, North Korea, Iraq, places through the world - look at how blessed we are!
So do your part, vote for the officials you feel will best lead our country, and then look with hope to the future. Afterall - children like these sweet faces are the future leaders for our country. They hold the future - don't we want them to feel of the hope and possibility, and not the fear and doom that is so often spoken of?