Now Cory and I are off to a night to celebrate "The Blind Guy" - our annual banquet. Have a great weekend!
Just a spot for us to blab about what's going on with our family, share ideas and post some scrapbook pages along the way. Most importantly share pictures of our sweet kids for family and loved ones to share our journey with us.
Friday, January 30, 2009
day of scrapping
Now Cory and I are off to a night to celebrate "The Blind Guy" - our annual banquet. Have a great weekend!
Monday, January 26, 2009
- Template - Janet Phillips - previously sold at (her store is now closed, but you can find her neat stuff at her new site -
- Kit - Little Miss Allie ($1.00 today only at
Week 4
- Template - 365 freebie from - found here.
- Kit - freebie from Amanda Heimann - "Life is Good" (don't know where I got it - but it's been a long time)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I mentioned a few weeks ago that we were giving talks in church. I appreciated the help that so many gave me. I actually really enjoyed preparing my talk, learned a lot, and was very blessed with many tender mercies as I studied to prepare. I ended up preparing enough for like 10 talks, and barely gave Cory any time to talk - but he didn't complain. Anyway - it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated it being....(at least for me - I'm not sure about the other people in the ward that had to listen to it...)
Anyway - when we talked about how we were going to speak Gabe BEGGED to speak with us. It started the night that we were called and asked to talk in church. Cory was very vocal about how he didn't want to speak and Gabe said, "Dad - why don't you want to talk in church? I want to give a talk!" We didn't quite know how to dissuade him without making him think that giving a talk was something to dread (and that wasn't what we wanted to teach him). I figured that we'd just hope that he'd forget about it as the week went on.
Well, Friday evening we were getting our talks finished up (because we were going to be gone all day on Saturday - we're not generally prepared that far ahead of time) and Gabe reminded us that we hadn't written his talk. He was still positive that he wanted to give his talk and so I asked him what he wanted to write. He told me exactly what he wanted to say. So aside from his comment about how he loved burritos (we worked on it right after dinner) - this was exactly what he wrote. I typed it out on the computer - using pictures instead of words - and he had it memorized in nothing flat.
"I love going to Primary. I love the beautiful world. I love my brother and my mom and dad (and that wood - there was some wood in the picture we used), and I love that I know that Jesus loves me and I love him."
He went over, and over, and over it and was SO ready! He had it memorized inside, outside, upside down. I took him up to the stage before sacrament meeting started to show him how many people would be watching him (wanting to deal with him backing out ahead of time) and he was still excited.
It was our turn - and he was still thrilled about giving his talk.
We got up on the stool at the podium - and the poor guy froze. He made several more attempts (throughout the middle of my talk) - but it didn't work out.
I was sad - not because he didn't do it - but more than anything because he was SO prepared, and it was so sweet and heart felt. It meant a lot to me that he wanted so badly to share his sweet testimony.
Earlier in the week when we were talking about our talks, and testimonies Gabe said, "But Mom - I don't have a testimony - how will I share it? Oh - I know - I'll just use yours!"
This comment was very profound to me as I was working and thinking about how I could better prepare my family and home to have a spiritual atmosphere. They really are relying on our testimonies, so I hope that mine can be strong enough.
Ok - this post got really long. Hope you have all had a wonderful Sabbath day. Our ward is splitting in a couple of weeks and so our Sunday was filled with speculation and wondering what will be happening. Should be interesting!
Creating Your Own Blog Background
(Anything that is in this font is information I have found on other websites.)
Ok - I have had several people email me, or ask me to share how to change their blog backgrounds. I feel foolish sharing these tips because I'm not very good at explaining things, and quite frankly - don't know what I'm doing myself! (a LOT of trial and error!) But here we go. I have referred to a couple of other blogs that have directions too.
These directions are the best I've found:
Some other good ones are found here:
After reading my personal instructions be sure to go to those websites - they are more technical and will better explain things.
- Create the background in Photoshop. The size I use is 1700 x 1320 pixels at 72 resolution (I've tried other sizes and have messed it all up. I know there is a techical way to figure out the right size - but I made mine too big, rather than too small. A lot of the sides, top and bottom of my background don't show up on my computer because my monitor is smaller, but more shows up on our bigger monitor I have at work). I design it like a scrapbook page using the kits and elements I have purchased in the past. Make sure that you leave the center section light enough that your text will show up, and wide enough that you'll be able to see the text.
- I save my project as a jpeg file and upload it to Make sure that you choose the 1 megabyte size for uploading for it to be big enough. Otherwise photobucket will condense your background and it will be too small.
- Then follow the instructions online in this link for changing the background. (I did it the first time and basically I just go back and change the code each month with the link I have uploaded to photobucket when I change the background....I hope that makes sense). This involves copying and pasting the direct link from photobucket. Make sure you save what you've done on your blogger site.
- I'm including what you'll see in the previous link:
Once your background uploads, you'll find it down with your other images, and you need to copy the option 'direct link', see below:
With your image copied, you'll need to follow these specific instructions as to how to apply it to your blog:
Log in to your blog.
Next go to 'customize' then 'layout' then 'pick a new template' then choose a minima template.Then click on 'edit HTML' You'll see a crazy code with a bunch of funny signs, scroll to where you see this:
body {
margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;
Change that part of the code to say this:
body {background:$bgcolor;background-image:url(direct link);background-position: center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;
margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;
Now, use the direct link from your photobucket image and insert it between the parentheses.
Then Click SAVE!
CONGRATS! You've done it!!!! WOOO HOOO!
- I also create my blog topper using Photoshop. The size of the one currently on my blog is: 600 pixels X 400 Pixels at 72 dpi. This is also saved as a jpeg file.
- Then I follow these instructions that can be found here. This is what it says on that blog:
- Next scroll down until you find the portion of the HTML that says header-wrapper. There is a line of code that says border. Delete the entire line of code. The line of code starts with the word border and ends with a semi-colon.
Scroll down a little further and you will come to header. Again delete the entire line that says border.
These two steps delete the 2 small gray lines that are at the top of your blog that surround your header area.
The last part of the HTML that we are going to edit is the width of the outer-wrapper and header-wrapper. We need to change both of these widths to 700px. (Right now they are set at 660px). Once you have changed those two lines. Your blog template is done. Save the changes and view your blog.
Step Three: Custom Header
Go to Layout> Page Elements
and edit the Header.
Upload your header from your computer. And choose: Instead of Title And Description.
Windows Live™ Hotmail®…more than just e-mail. See how it works.
Creating Your Own Blog Background
Ok - I have had several people email me, or ask me to share how to change their blog backgrounds. I feel foolish sharing these tips because I'm not very good at explaining things, and quite frankly - don't know what I'm doing myself! (a LOT of trial and error!) But here we go. I have referred to a couple of other blogs that have directions too.
These directions are the best I've found:
Some other good ones are found here:
After reading my personal instructions be sure to go to those websites - they are more technical and will better explain things.
- Create the background in Photoshop. The size I use is 1700 x 1320 pixels at 72 resolution (I've tried other sizes and have messed it all up. I know there is a techical way to figure out the right size - but I made mine too big, rather than too small. A lot of the sides, top and bottom of my background don't show up on my computer because my monitor is smaller, but more shows up on our bigger monitor I have at work). I design it like a scrapbook page using the kits and elements I have purchased in the past. Make sure that you leave the center section light enough that your text will show up, and wide enough that you'll be able to see the text.
- I save my project as a jpeg file and upload it to Make sure that you choose the 1 megabyte size for uploading for it to be big enough. Otherwise photobucket will condense your background and it will be too small.
- Then follow the instructions online in this link for changing the background. (I did it the first time and basically I just go back and change the code each month with the link I have uploaded to photobucket when I change the background....I hope that makes sense). This involves copying and pasting the direct link from photobucket. Make sure you save what you've done on your blogger site.
- I'm including what you'll see in the previous link:
Once your background uploads, you'll find it down with your other images, and you need to copy the option 'direct link', see below:With your image copied, you'll need to follow these specific instructions as to how to apply it to your blog:
Log in to your blog.
Next go to 'customize' then 'layout' then 'pick a new template' then choose a minima template.
Then click on 'edit HTML' You'll see a crazy code with a bunch of funny signs, scroll to where you see this:
body {
margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;
Change that part of the code to say this:
body {background:$bgcolor;background-image:url(direct link);background-position: center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;
margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;Now, use the direct link from your photobucket image and insert it between the parentheses.
Then Click SAVE!
CONGRATS! You've done it!!!! WOOO HOOO!
- I also create my blog topper using Photoshop. The size of the one currently on my blog is: 600 pixels X 400 Pixels at 72 dpi. This is also saved as a jpeg file.
- Then I follow these instructions that can be found here. This is what it says on that blog:
- Next scroll down until you find the portion of the HTML that says header-wrapper. There is a line of code that says border. Delete the entire line of code. The line of code starts with the word border and ends with a semi-colon.
Scroll down a little further and you will come to header. Again delete the entire line that says border.
These two steps delete the 2 small gray lines that are at the top of your blog that surround your header area.
The last part of the HTML that we are going to edit is the width of the outer-wrapper and header-wrapper. We need to change both of these widths to 700px. (Right now they are set at 660px). Once you have changed those two lines. Your blog template is done. Save the changes and view your blog.
Step Three: Custom Header
Go to Layout> Page Elements
and edit the Header.
Upload your header from your computer. And choose: Instead of Title And Description.
Ok - I hope any of this makes sense. Really I play around with it for a long time every time - trying to find what will work just right....I'm the furthest thing from an expert - I just work at it a lot. So good luck!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Saturday morning insomnia
Thursday, January 22, 2009
It is because of this "devil" - or Satan that I have been feeling so down lately. It's become very real to me these last couple of weeks that Satan is very real. He is very divisive and horrible. And for me - he works more often than not at making me feel discouraged and horrible about myself. He doesn't just tempt us. He doesn't work to make us do bad things - but more often than we realize he works to keep us from doing GOOD things.
So what do we do? What can we do it get this horrible influence out of our lives? Well - there is truly only ONE thing that we can do. There is only ONE place we can turn for peace. As it says in the scriptures, "John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." The ONLY choice we have is to choose the Savior and the gift of the atonement.
There is an article from the Ensign, from a General Conference in 1999 that I was reminded about yesterday (one of those tender mercies we hear of). This is a talk by Sister Sheri Dew that I have found comfort and solace in before. I highly recommend reading it. This particular part means a lot to me:
Where do we turn for help? "In the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way" (Ether 12:11). The Savior isn't our last chance; He is our only chance. Our only chance to overcome self-doubt and catch a vision of who we may become. Our only chance to repent and have our sins washed clean. Our only chance to purify our hearts, subdue our weaknesses, and avoid the adversary. Our only chance to obtain redemption and exaltation. Our only chance to find peace and happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. (emphasis added)
So during these trying times (and I don't know anyone that doesn't view right now as a "trying time") - I hope and pray that all of us can turn to that ONE - the one who can help us. Remember - it's not our last chance, he's the only chance.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Calendars from Christmas
For Christmas I made digital scrapbooked calendars for family. (Different pictures for different sides of the family). I printed them as 4X6 pictures and then gave them to loved ones with plexi glass refridgerator frames. Then each month they can be changed to the correct month. It was a really fun project to do!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thinking about our country and new president....
I wish that we could all sit back for a moment and put ourselves in their shoes. Think for a moment about the stress, the pressure, the difficulty they undergo daily. It's easy for us to be critical - but they hold so much at stake, and I truly believe that they make decisions based on what they think is best. I would like to hope that they are making decisions based on what they believe will help the majority. I think about the idea that if I were in this office or position that I would have true support from others. I can't imagine going to sleep as the commander in chief each night with the weight of a nation, and even a world, resting on his shoulders. And when I think of that it makes me think twice before I am critical and mean spirited about the job he is doing. It makes me want to say a short prayer for him, for his family, and for our other government leaders, a prayer that they will have peace and clarity in their decisions.
Yes, there is corruption in goverment. Yes, there are many evil and devicive people collaborating to destory our freedoms - but for a moment can we join together as AMERICANS and be hopeful for the good that is possible? Can we put aside our labels of Democrat or Republican and be AMERICANS?
Remember the unity and solidarity that seemed to be felt through our country days after our country had been attacked? We were Americans, we pulled together - even if it was in a moment of crisis. I wish we coudl feel that sense of pride again in being members of this amazing country.
So today as we are embarking in this "change" - I am turning to the feelings I had several years ago as I first saw Barrack Obama on the Oprah Winfrey show (I want to say it was in 2002 or 2003 - it was his first appearance). I don't remember the specifics of the show, but I do remember the feelings I had. No one had heard of Barrack Obama at the time - he was a new name an a new face. I paused what I was doing and sat down to watch and listen to this man, this black man. I remember feeling in awe of his speaking ability, his passion, and the powerful feeling he made me feel. I remember calling Cory at work after watching the show and saying, "If we are ever to have an African American President of the United States - it WILL be this man who was on Oprah. I really think he will be the first African American president of our country. He was amazing!"
I am grateful for that confirmation or feeling of hope that I felt that day a few years ago. I've turned to that feeling as I have disagreed with policy, I've relied on those feelings as I've been concerned about decisions he may or may not have made and hope that we can all be supportive in our best ways possible.
So lastly - we have the right to disagree - that is one of the beautiful things about being AMERICAN. But I hope and pray that we can find a civilized way to voice those opinions, and hope that we can support the office of the United States Presidency. And I hope that we can continue to pray for our leaders that they can do what is truly best for our country. This truly is a historic time in our country.
Edited to add: I made a quick layout with the journaling from here.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Layout - My Treasures & Sledding
Layout using Kiss my____ kit and "Round We Go" templates - both found at
The journaling reads:
January 15th, 2009 -Tonight I was working at our Blind Guy office for many hours. It turned into a bigger project than I had planned, or than I wanted it to be. More than anything it was a project that was depressing and scaring me. I was worrying about money, about paying bills, and about the economy we live in. I was just feeling an enormous amount of stress and it was depressing. I cried several times and felt defeated. Well then I packed up and headed home.
Cory was home with the boys and they had been asleep for hours by the time I pulled up in the driveway. And when I walked in the door all of those feelings of depression and financial fears were replaced with a desire - no, an absolute need to see my boys. I will sometimes go in and check on them when I come home late - but more often than not I worry about unneccessarily waking them up. But tonight that wasn't even a concern. I had to see their sleeping faces, I had to kiss their slumbering cheeks - I had to remember that THEY were what was important. All the money in the world wouldn't be worth it without these two precious boys - they are my treasures! I went in to check on them and it was as if I was given a glimpse or a reminder of what was truly important. It's these sweet spirits Heavenly Father has intrusted us with. What sweet children, and a sweet reminder of where my heart needs to be focused.
Sledding layout - FREEBIE template by ChrissyW - available now @ & kit is A Touch of Winter - by Nikki Scott. Also available at
Friday, January 16, 2009
I've got it bad.....
Favorite layout (today anyway)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Yikes! My background
I *think* I fixed things. If you are looking at this and it still has a big blue box around it - will you leave me a message? I'm hoping it's working now......
I just pulled up our blog on the computer we have at our office. YIKES! The background looks great on my laptop at home - it fills the screen and everything is just great. But here at our office with our huge screen - the background only fills a very weird part of the screen. I'm wondering if it's my computer - or if that's what everyone with larger monitors is seeing. So does the digi scrapbooked background show fill the screen for everyone else - or is it just in the middle with a blue background around the rest of it?
I'm hoping to fix it later - but no time we'll see.
Let me know what you see.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kit - Urban by Baersgarten -
Template - Mixin it up Again - by ChrissyW -
Little Baby V
Kit - Lizzie Mae - by ChrissyW -
Template - With this Ring - by ChrissyW -
Week 2
Kit - Sweater Weather - by ChrissyW -
Template - A Photo a Day - by ChrissyW -
Monday, January 12, 2009
some scrapping pages
At the Park w/ Papa
- Kits - Leave the World Behind & Motor Mania - both by Britt-ish Designs
- Template - NEW one from ChrissyW - A Photo a Day
Just the Girls
- Kit - from a @
- Template - "Mixing it up Again" by ChrissyW (One of my favorite template packs!)
Project 365 - week one
- Kit - Lake House by ChrissyW & Angie Kovac
- Template - NEW one from ChrissyW - A Photo a Day
And ChrissyW has a cute new kit, and a cool template pack for the Project 365 that so many people are doing. Check out her stuff!
Primary and FHE

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
So he told us our theme that we'd be speaking on and said, "It should be a really easy topic and you'll only need to speak 12-15 minutes". HA!
I think for sure that this talk is one that we are supposed to be learning from (or feeling chastized by) more than anything the congregation will learn from it. It is making me feel like I am a little inept....
Our theme is - "What are you doing to promote spirituality in your home?"
I feel completly overwhelmed by the subject and thinking that our talks might be more the 12-15 SECOND variety than the 12-15 MINUTES they are asking us to do.
So I thought I'd throw the topic out to anyone who reads my blog. I am asking (no - REQUIRING) everyone to leave a comment. Just tell me something that you do in your home and life to promote spirituality. I won't claim your thoughts as my own - but I know that they will help lead and guide me.
THANKS so much - I really appreciate any and all help I can get.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Scrapping Gig
I still scrapbook - but not to the extent that I did in my "prime". Now instead of saying I'm a "scrapbooker" - I guess you could say I scrapbook (there is a difference....). And I have gone from all paper scrapbooking to (almost) all digital scrapbooking. I love the mess staying on my computer, and not having paper scraps stuck to everything in our house.
ANYWAY - I haven't persued anything big with digital scrapbooking because I have decided I'm pretty simple/basic in my designs, and frankly I almost always use templates for my pages and think maybe people would feel I'm kind of cheating. Plus I guess I don't need that recognition (or can't handle the rejection - I'm not sure) like I guess I did before.
However - recently I was contacted by one of my favorite template designers - ChrissyW - about being on her creative team as a guest for the month of January. Know what - it was pretty fun to get that email. It reminded me of "back in the day" and was just that little pat on the back that we can all use from time to time. It's been fun to work with her products and have some "assignments" again. I like that part of the scrapbook industry - pushing my creativity just a bit.
When I was so into scrapbooking I remember being so bothered by mothers who would say, "I just don't have time to scrapbook now that I have kids." I hated that comment. I mean sheez - couldn't you just prioritize a little better? Woah is me - have I ever had to eat my words on that one!!! I totally understand the moms that I listened to before and agree - after having kids scrapbooking is SO much harder to get to. But in some ways - it's more important and more rewarding now that I have the boys. I love having Gabe look through his books, or browse through the pictures of layouts online and recount memories we have. And layouts of Hunter & Gabe are quite a bit cuter than any of the ones I did of Cory and I. I mean look at my subjects!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Sunbeams and a new calling
Then comes yesterday. We had a Primary activity - a meet the new teachers brunch - it was fun. We talked it up all week and Gabe was really excited to go with me to meet his new least in theory. When it came right down to it he fell apart. Before we could even get to the church he was throwing a huge fit and crying his eyes out. He absolutely wouldn't go anywhere near his class and sat on my lap with my class through the whole activity. He wanted nothing to do with his class. To make matters worse his buddy Noah wasn't going to be in his class (a fact I tried to leave out - so he wouldn't get more upset.) Anyway, he sat with my class and it was hilarious to me how he fit in with my class. I mean I teach the 6 year olds turning 7 - and Gabe's 1/2 their age. He talked right along with the rest of them and his vocabulary was right on track with theirs. Funny kid.
Anyway - I was really nervous about how today would go after he was so anti-Sunbeams yesterday. So we talked about it this morning before church, at church, and then when it was time I was still not quite sure it was going to go well. We walked into Primary all together as a family and he had me hold his hand up to the front row - and he jumped right into his own seat. No tears, no wails of, "I don't want to be a Sunbeam" and no tears. In fact - I'm not even real sure he said good-bye.....
He turned around a couple of times to smile and wave at me - but he sat in his chair very well, sang the songs, and loved when he went to class-time. He kept talking about the bean-bag game, Ben's mom (one of the teachers) and Kate's mom (the other teacher) and his "treat room". YAY! I think we have a winner.
I also got a new calling today. I was called to be a secretary in the Primary Presidency. I am a little sad because I have enjoyed teaching Primary. I had just met and started getting to know the kids. But I'm also excited about this new opportunity. I've gotten to serve in several YW presidencies and a Relief Society presidency - but never in a Primary presidency. I've also never been a secretary - so I'm looking forward to learning that too. And I also have enjoyed getting to know the other members in presidencies in the past, and look forward to those friendships now too.
So here are some pictures of the boys today. The first one of Gabe was the first face he pulled when I mentioned being a Sunbeam, and then I told him to say "I'm going to be a SUNBEAM!" I'm so glad he was smiling. Then after I took Gabe's pictures Hunter was insistent that I take his too. The funny thing was that he posed in the exact same way as his brother did. Sometimes it scares me how he imitates Gabe....could be a scary future.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Darn you Pottery Barn!
Thou shalt not covet (the orange chair)....thou shalt not covet (the green chair)....thou shalt not covet (the red chair)....