The Merthan and Vonnie Ellis Family. They have 7 children and they were all there with their spouses. Pretty exciting when they live all over the place! We sure love Grandma and Grandpa Ellis - such great people with such great family!

Ellis 1st cousins. I think there are about 50 1st cousins in the family. Not all were there for this reunion - but a bunch were!

Gabe's legs are getting pretty strong. He'll be walking before we know it. Here he is with cousin Logan and Aunt Kori practicing how to stand up. Thanks Aunt Kori and Uncle Chase - Gabe had a GREAT time with you guys!

Gabe and Grandma. Thanks for the fun books Grandma, and for sharing fun treats like strawberries with me!

Gabe has become quite the daddy's boy lately. He fusses and lunges towards him whenever I'm holding him and Cory comes into the room. It's fun to see Gabe get excited for his daddy.

Kim Ellis Family - Ashley's family couldn't be there, but Logan got to come up with Grandma and Grandpa.

Gabe and Grandpa - contrary to how it looks Gabe did enjoy spending time with his grandparents. It's just hard when mom or dad takes a picture and he wants to go to us....