Just a spot for us to blab about what's going on with our family, share ideas and post some scrapbook pages along the way. Most importantly share pictures of our sweet kids for family and loved ones to share our journey with us.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Caramel & White Chocolate Pretzels Recipe

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Man I love those boys!
- Hunter has been working really hard at talking lately. We've had a couple of meetings with a local Speech Therapist. She comes and gives us some tips on things we can work on with increasing his vocabulary and helping him speak clearly. He is also going to a Toodler preschool class one day a week for a couple hours. He LOVES it. He loves getting ready for school, loves his friends, teachers and telling us (or trying to tell us) about his fun when we pick him up. It makes him seem just that much more grown up....and when he took his Christmas treat to his teachers last week it was just like taking a glimpse into a few years from now when he'll be taking his 3rd grade teacher a present. Man, life goes by way too fast.
- Today after Gabe got home from school I was talking with him in the couch and Gabe gave me a big hug. Hunter came over, tried hugging me and then looked totally hurt. He said, "No, Hunter Mom's favorite". In his sweet little language and his pouty lip sticking out. So sweet. So I hugged and snuggled both of them extra tight. They're both my favorites - right?
- I was teasing the boys and asked if either of them had a girlfriend. Gabe quickly said "NO!" (which is not the answer he gives his friends - he tells everyone else about his girlfriend Naia) but Hunter called out "YES!" He told us a name over and over again but sadly we didn't understand who it was.....so apparently Hunter has a girlfriend...her name? Not quite sure.
- Gabe had his preschool Christmas program today at school. They sang some really cute songs, made me a sweet ornament with a picture of him for a gift, and made me smile. His teacher made a really cool crayon keeper for them and he was so impressed by it. He LOVES it. He was so cute to hear through the whole day saying sweetly, "Mom, I just love my crayon case." We're so lucky to have a great teacher who clearly cares about the kids in her class, and who Gabe has a great time with. So lucky!
- Today we were driving and listening to Christmas music. Clay Aiken's voice came over the radio singing one of my favorite Christmas carols, "The First Noel". Gabe said thoughtfully, "Mom - did that guy just say 'No elves?'" He's repeated it many times tonight, including singing his version as we sang together tonight.
- The boys were both thrilled to have "Family Game Night" tonight. Apparently the television ads that have been on the last few years about "Family Game Night" have gotten to Gabe because he was beyond excited to play games together tonight. It was fun to all laugh together like that. I look forward to a time when the boys will be ready to play some of our favorites (Rumikub and Uno to name a few). And for the record - I totally smoked all 3 of them at Candyland the first round!
- "Grandma Tammy" (Cory's mom) sent the boys home with a little candle with a list of scriptures to read each night as a family. We're supposed to light the candle and read together. Can I just say that this has worked better than any other efforts we've made at reading the scriptures together as a family? The boys are thrilled to get our candle out and can't wait to help blow it out at the end. I have LOVED the sweet moments we've had together as a family as we've read the scriptures and explained the stories to them. They have seemed to just get it these last several nights. Tonight we read about how the Savior calmed the storming seas (Mark 4:35-41 I think) and had a very sweet talk about it afterwards. I ended up with tears (as I often do when I feel the spirit like that) and Hunter kept telling me to be "happy!". I explained to the kids that I was happy, super happy and that sometimes when I am that happy I cry. A few minutes later we were finishing bedtime preparations and getting ready for bed. I looked at Gabe and his eyes were full of tears. He came over and wrapped his arms around my legs. He said, "Mom, sometimes I cry when I'm really happy too. Like right now." The moments when gospel lessons hit home and it "clicks" are precious.
I love them - a lot!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dollar Days @ Elemental Scraps
Today is Dollar Day @ Elemental Scraps website - so head over and pick up some digi-scrap goodies. Here are a couple of layouts with some of the fun products released today.
My Boys
Template: A Very Girlish Christmas (coming soon)
Kit: Homemade Holidays by Bella Gypsy
Silly Kids
Template: Liftin Kellie by ChrissyW
Kit: Homemade Holidays by Bella Gypsy
Storybook Parade
Template: Freebie Template #35
Kit: Right Jolly Old Elf by Bella Gypsy
Saturday, December 12, 2009
FREEBIE CALENDAR - all 12 months available today only!

By the last day of our countdown,
The "Ettes" had heard from many of you.
You missed out on some of our freebies,
and cried "boo hoo", it's true!
So we're taking pity upon you.
Download the whole calendar for FREE today.
But, you'd better do it quickly,
'Coz to get it tomorrow, you'll have to pay!
Friday, December 11, 2009
This month is such a special one....
So excited to say a great big "Happy Birthday" to some of my favorite digi scrapbook designers with The Ettes & Company. Fayette & Annette are amazing - seriously amazing designers (not to mention the sweetest gals!) I'm excited to be able to work with their designs and create with their beautiful work.
So head over to their blog today for lots of fun goodies. There are new kits, new fun stuff - LOTS to check out - including FREEBIES all day long!! You won't want to miss out on all they have going on - and keep checking back as there will be updates.
Here are a couple of my favorites (although I love all of them!) - Celebrate & Barnyard Friends.


Monday, December 07, 2009
Scrapbooking and a FREEBIE!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Scrapping layouts
- Christmas Carols by The Ettes
- Hard Candy Christmas by Bella Gypsy
- Trim the Tree by Bella Gypsy
- Every little thing by Bella Gypsy
- John Dough by Libby Weifenbach
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Birthday Celebration

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Catching up on posting layouts....
(Edited to add links to kits/templates)
Template (FREE!): http://www.elementalscraps.com/shoppe/product.php?productid=23420&cat=0&page=
Kit: http://www.elementalscraps.com/shoppe/product.php?productid=23413&cat=0&page=
Template: http://www.elementalscraps.com/shoppe/product.php?productid=23428&cat=0&page=1
Kit: http://www.elementalscraps.com/shoppe/product.php?productid=23431&cat=0&page=1
Solstice kit: http://www.gottapixel.net/store/product.php?productid=25338&cat=0&page=1 and http://www.gottapixel.net/store/product.php?productid=25337&cat=0&page=1 and http://www.gottapixel.net/store/product.php?productid=25336&cat=0&page=1
Template: http://www.gottapixel.net/store/product.php?productid=25339&cat=0&page=1
Template: http://sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=19362&cat=0&page=1
Kit: http://sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=18228&cat=0&page=1
Wavy templates (it's not a layout template - it's just a template for the swirls): http://sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=19278&cat=0&page=1
Kit: http://sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=19416&cat=0&page=1
Just catching up on some layouts I haven't posted. I've been scrapping still - but it seems I end up too tired once I'm done and don't end up getting them to the blog. But here ya go :)
Monday, November 09, 2009
Halloween 2009
(In fact, I saw the CUTEST family costume last week - "No More Monkey's Jumping on the Bed" - the 2 kids were dressed as monkeys, the dad was a doctor and the mom was dressed in an apron holding a phone. You know - "Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!")
Anyway, Gabe was totally determined for months and months to be the "Red Power Ranger". So I gave in and let his dream of being a silly super hero win over my need for coordinating celebration....I was a bit sad, but he was THRILLED. He loved his costume and I got to avoid forcing Cory to dress up.
Hunter wore Gabe's old "Buzz Lightyear" costume and felt pretty cool to get to wear his brother's costume. It was a little big, but he's getting used to hand-me-downs, and he enjoyed it.
And then for the first time since we've had the boys I dressed up. The boys picked out a witch hat and wig for me and I pulled together a few black items of clothing, a fantastic witch cackle (if I do say so myself) and a wicked witch was born. I enjoyed it and I'm pretty sure I'll need to dress up again next year.
Happy Halloween!
Project 365
Since we got home late on Halloween and didn't have time to carve our pumpkins before trick-or-treating we decided to carve them for FHE Monday night. The boys actually used Mr. Potato Head pieces for their pumpkins and then Cory and I used actual knives. I was SO impressed with Cory's. He doesn't normally join us in our carving - and he attempted a pattern and everything. I was impressed! Gabe asked several times what Cory was carving and he told him "The Grim Reaper". The last time Gabe asked he said, "Oh yeah - you already told me - it's 'The Grim-Shaw". (To those who are local this is funny with so many "Grimshaws" that live in our ward/neighborhood.)
I haven't had roasted pumpkin seeds in YEARS - since I was probably 4 or 5 years old. Gabe asked about pmpkin seeds after seeing them in a magazine article and so we gave them a shot. YUM! I have been snacking on them now and LOVE them. So far they haven't made me sick either, which is awesome.
The boys and I had to run to Walmart and saw all of the Halloween stuff on clearance. They were THRILLED that there were some Star Wars costumes on clearance for just $3.00. Sadly they are HUGE on the boys, but they'll have some fun in them I'm sure.
We weren't home when the pest control guys came and sprayed our house/yard. I asked the technician to just leave the bill on the counter. Well he did - but he left a little "friend" with it. It startled me and completly freaked poor Gabe out. We sure laughed about it later and hid the plastic bug toy around the house for others to see.
This was a BIG day at our house. Hunter's first day at preschool! Brings a bit of a tear to my eye....but it's just a 1 day a week and he is going to LOVE it!
Our good friends the Smiths blessed their little baby Cade in their home. It was great to share that time with them and some other friends. And the food they served after - YUMMO! So glad to have great friends close by.
Another BIG day for our family. Uncle Coby's mission farewell. We headed up to Logan to hear Coby speak and spend time with extended family while we celebrated Coby's big decision. We're SO proud of him and all he will be doing these next 2 years to share the gospel with the people of California!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Digital Scrapbook Day - FREEBIE template

Bella Gypsy layouts - AWESOME new collection!
My buddies at Bella Gypsy have been designing up a storm. Their Digital Scrapbook Day products are so awesome! Check out the (GIANT) Plenty of Personality collection . It's so great!
Here are a couple of layouts I did with some of the boy collections. You can buy the kits in a boy collection, girl collection - or all together. (I'd go with all together - they are all great!!!)
Friday, November 06, 2009
Libby Weifenbach's NEW products
Libby Weifenbach has a couple of cute new kits releasing today too (it's quite the scrapping weekend!)
Fra-Gee-Lay - fun, bright colors for Christmas time. (I heard several places that this lime green is HOT for Christmas decor this year)
All In A Day's Work - great graphics for chore charts!
Fab-u-less - This kit was released last week, but has super cute images for a weight-loss journal, or for things about eating healthy/loosing weight. This layout is using the freebie template by ChrissyW @ Elemental Scraps.