We all had a great time up North this weekend. Gabe LOVED skiing! He took 3 runs up on Grandpa Ellis's backpack and was so sad when we brought him in. When we drove back down the canyon we had his cousin Linsey's carseat next to his and he just jabbered to her forever - and kept pointing to the mountain with excitement. It was almost as if he was saying, "And look up there! I went up there with Grandpa - and next year you can too!" I was glad he enjoyed it.
Then on Saturday Cory and I drove up with Kim, Tammy, and Coby to Logan for my sister-in-law Kori's graduation from USU. Long drive for a long ceremony, but we were glad to support her. Then we turned around and came back to Salt Lake. My other sister-in-law Ashley and Spencer watched all the kids and had a great time with Gabe - those twins sure smother poor Gabe with attention.
Then Saturday night we went to Rodizio Grill (HARDLY WW friendly!) A buffet and all you can eat meat brought around to your table by the minute. It was amazing and hard not to eat yourself into a coma. But I was really careful.
Unfortunately part-way through the meal we realized that Gabe had SOAKED his diaper clear through, and his clothes were drenched. We didn't have a change of clothes so we had to run and get him some new clothes at Trolley Square (where we were eating). The sales lady was trying to show us cute different tops and finally I just said, "Actually we just need something quick and not too expensive - we're recovering from an accident - I don't care what it looks like". Kind of funny.
Then the kids all got their pictures taken with Santa - EVEN Gabe! That was exciting for me! (And of course we also got the picture of Gabe screaming on Santa's lap for posterity).
Sunday morning we got up and went over to the Conference Center for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast. Unlike all the other Sunday broadcasts this one required tickets - which we didn't have. But while I settled down the kids in the children's theater Tammy and Ashley secured us all some tickets. Tammy and Kim stayed in the children's area with the kids and the rest of us were spread out through the conference center. WOW! It was the most amazing performance of the choir I have ever seen and heard. There were dancers in the aisles, bells, the orchestra, the choir - and my favorite part - Sissel (a Norwegian singer my brother Paul introduced us to after his mission to Norway). I am so blown away by her music - it is truly heavenly. Through the concert I would close my eyes and literally feel like I was in heaven and was being serenaded by angels. Since this was a culmination of the concerts they'd been performing through the week they not only performed the 1/2 hour choir broadcast, but then continued afterwards with 1/2 hour of additional music (from the concerts). At the end President Hinckely came out to greet Sissel and it was very sweet. She says she's already been invited back and will be coming again. I only hope I can attend that concert too!
Then we drove to see Grandparents. I wished we had more time! I always wish we had more time. We went to see Grandma Marilyn first, and our visit was so short. I felt bad. But she took Gabe on a wheel-chair ride and he enjoyed that. Then we buzzed over to see Grandma and Grandpa Whisler for a few minutes. Gabe was taken by the chocolate that Grandma put in his pockets, and he was really disappointed that Yogi didn't want to play with him. But he did have fun seeing both sets of his great grandparents. (and actually he saw his Great Grandma and Grandpa Ellis this weekend too!) I hope all of the grandparents understand that we needed to get on the road because of the weather (snow the whole way home). We sure do love them and wish that time wasn't as it is, and that we'd get to spend more time with them. So much to do, so little time.
Well it's getting late for this old lady - but I'll try to post pictures in the next few days. I didn't take tonz, but enough cute ones that you'll want to see.
Have a great week - and good luck with all of your holiday plans and preparations!